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  • Nadja Evelina

    Kvart över två → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

A quarter past two

Turn around, can't get myself to wake up
Here in the bed of my childhood room, my childhood town1
Clear in the moment I came back
That who you left here, always stays here
So we go out and drink until we forget
We go out, come along, it'll be fun
Here by the town square they never repaired
The night ends even though no-one wants to leave2
Who knows when we're doomed to come to an end
But now we're standing here again, a quarter past two
Cheering loudly with people I used to hate
There in my childhood gang, in my childhood self
Share a cigarette, but if I miss
Like before to feel, we do excist?
So we go out and drink until we forget
We go out, come along, it'll be fun
Here by the town square they never repaired
The night ends even though no-one wants to leave
Who knows when we're doomed to come to an end
But now we're standing here again, a quarter past two
  • 1. this is genderspecific and literaly translates to girlroombed and girlroomtown
  • 2. orka means to not have the energy to or sometimes not want to do something because you don't feel you should have to, similar to "to cope" but more lazy, in this instanse they dont "orka" to leave

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