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Loka Siliva

He Māhina si'ene halani
Huelo ha 'i he loto tahi
Langa noa hoku 'atamai
Manatu 'o fakatupu tangi
'Amusia pē 'a e matangi na
'Oku ne angi fa'iteliha
Kae hopoate pē kita
He 'ofá 'oku loka siliva
'Uisa he fāhiná 'ene hopo
He fihinga maile laumomo
Ko hoto kahoa tuku 'i loto
Teu tauleva 'o 'ikai ke to'o
Si'i lose he taukakapa
'Oku fotu he ngoue kakala
'Oku hā he seití ne tapa
Ho 'īmisi koulá tokotaha

Lock of Silver

1. Lo, my Moon on his axis a'gliding,
And his halo the oceans illuming,
Strums Euphrosyne's ōdē unceasing-
Tears attend, thus, my heart's reminiscing:
Chorus :
Blest art thou, Aeolus, on the fair breeze
Gaily frolicking o'er yonder seas,
Yet shall I confine myself hither:
Clasp'd for aye with Venus' lock of silver.
2. Ho! The screwpine1 in sacred affection
For alyxia2 worketh seduction;
Woven thus, matrimony's election,
Mine own garland - yea, mine - without question.
3. Oh, àdieu, dearest rose in the distance,
Thine appearance was my sole remittance;
Midst a garden of weeds, all a pittance,
Was thy visage of golden persistence.
  • 1. Pandanus Tectorius, or "fā" in Tongan (of which the "fā hina" or white screwpine is a native variety)
  • 2. Alyxia Oliviformis, or "maile" in Tongan (of which the "maile laumomo" or small-leaved alyxia is a native variety)
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