Russland führt einen schändlichen Krieg gegen die Ukraine.     Stehen Sie an der Seite der Ukraine!
Sprachen tauschen


悲しい朝や 眠れない夜
何処かに私 待つ人がいる
この空の下で 息をしている
Love with you
誰もみんな 初め一人ぼっち
Love with me
そしていつか 愛する人に
つつまれて星の中 寄り添い合い
幸福(しあわせ) 紡いでゆくの
泣いた分だけ 人に優しく
なれると信じて 今日まで来たの
少しずつ私 あなたを待つの
Love with you
激しかった雨も いつかやんで
Love with me
長い冬も いつしか終わる
だからあなたにあげる 心をこめて
Love with you
誰もみんな 初め一人ぼっち
Love with me
だからあなたにあげる 心をこめて

Love with you ~The Gift of Love~

During sad mornings and sleepless nights,
I quietly close my eyes and remember:
There is a person waiting for me,
living somewhere under this sky
Love with you
We are all alone at first
Love with me
And one day, together with your loved person
you'll embrace under the stars
spun up together in happiness.
Being kind to others to the point of tears,
I have come to this day
Like counting each tic-tac sound of the clock
Little by little, I wait for you
Love with you
Even the intense rain will end, one day
Love with me
Even the long winter will end, eventually
That is why, I am gifting you a smile
with the heart that I am giving to you
Love with you
We are all alone at first
Love with me
That is why, I am gifting you a smile
with the heart that I am giving to you