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  • Mana allin sank'aq wasikuna → Übersetzung auf Englisch

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Mana allin sank'aq wasikuna

Oh Ayacucho!
My native land.
How much I miss you and all my people.
My eyes are crying, thinking of my children,
Those who are dying in Peruvian jails.
My heart is hurting thinking of my brothers,
Those who are crying, asking for justice.
O Ayacucho
Kuyasqay llaqta,
Kay karumantan takiykamuyki,
Plazallaykipin wawallay wañun,
Carcelniykipitaq qosallay waqan,
Plazallaykipin wawallay wañun,
Carcelniykipitaq qosallay ñak'arin.
Haku pasapusun wayqellay llaqtanchiqmi suyawanchis.
Haku pasapusun hermanoy wasinchiqmi suyawanchis.
Ayacuchano valiente venceremos la injusticia.

Unjustly Jailed

Oh Ayacucho!
My native land.
How much I miss you and all my people.
My eyes are crying, thinking of my children,
Those who are dying in Peruvian jails.
My heart is hurting thinking of my brothers,
Those who are crying, asking for justice.
Oh Ayacucho!
My beloved land,
From far away I'm singing to you.
My son was killed in your square,
And my husband is crying from your jail,
Brothers, let's go back to our town, which is waiting for us.
Brothers, let's go back homes, which are waiting for us.
Courageous Ayacuchano, we will conquer the injustice.