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  • Sonja Savić

    Mesec je sam plovio → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Korrekturlesen gesucht
Sprachen tauschen

Mesec je sam plovio

Probala sve sam ja
I volela i patila
Lutala danima
Po nekim tuđim zemljama
Ostao samo si ti
Nestaje mi hrabrosti
Sa tobom lako je sve
Bez tebe moram živeti
Mesec je sam plovio
Milion dugih godina
Mesec je sam plovio
Što ne bi i ja
Smejem se oblaku
A bol na svakom koraku
Reči mi zastaju
Ja znam da sve izdržaću
Sama u postelji
Snovi nisu dovoljni
Ako nije bolelo
Srcu nije prijalo
Mesec je sam plovio
Milion dugih godina
Mesec je sam plovio
Što ne bi i ja

The moon has sailed alone

I have tried everything
I have loved, I have suffered
I have wandered for days
Across some of the foreign countries
Only you have remained
I'm running out of courage
Everything is easy with you
But I have to live without you
The moon has sailed alone
Through long million years
The moon has sailed alone
If the moon could, why can't I ?
I am laughing at a cloud
The pain is in every step
I lost my words
I know I can handle it all
I'm alone in bed
My dreams are not enough
if it didn't hurt
than it wasn't pleasant for the heart
The moon has sailed alone
Through long million years
The moon has sailed alone
If the moon could, why can't I ?
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   Do, 11/10/2012 - 00:50

Lutala danima: I have wandered for days
Po nekim tuđim zemljama: Across some of the foreign countries
Bez tebe moram živeti: But I have to live without you
Milion dugih godina: Through long million years
If the moon could, why can't I ?

Pozdrav :D