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Sprachen tauschen

Murheellisten laulujen maa

Syyttömänä syntymään
Sattui hän
Tähän maahan pohjoiseen ja kylmään
Jossa jo esi-isät
Juovuksissa tottakai
Hakkasivat vaimot, lapset, jos ne kiinni sai
Perinteisen miehen kohtalon
Halus välttää poika tuo
En koskaan osta kirvestä
Enkä koskaan viinaa juo
Muuten juon talon
Lumihanki kutsuu perhettä talvisin
Vaan ei tahdo tehdä koskaan lailla isin
Mut kun työnvälityksestä työtä ei saa
Hälle kohtalon koura juottaa väkijuomaa
Niin Turmiolan Tommi taas herää henkiin
Ja herrojen elkeet tarttuvat renkiin
Kohti laukkaa, viina kauppaa
Sen miehen epätoivoon ajaa
Kun halla viljaa korjaa
Keskeltä kylmän mullan hiljaa
Kylmä silmä tuijottaa
Kun kirves kohoaa
Keskeltä kumpujen
Mullasta maan
Isät ylpeinä katsovat poikiaan
Työttömyys, viina, kirves ja perhe
Lumihanki, poliisi ja viimeinen erhe
Tämä tuhansien murheellisten laulujen maa
Joka tuhansiin järviin juosta saa
Katajainen kansa, jonka itsesäälin määrää
Ei mittaa järki eikä kärkimäärä
Joka lauluissa hukkuvat elämän valttikortit
Ja kiinni pysyvät taivaan portit
Einari Epätoivosta ne kertovat

Land of Mournful Songs

He was born innocent
So it happened
To this northern, cold country
Where even his forefathers
Drunk, of course
Beat their wives, kids, if they managed to catch them
The traditional fate of a man
That boy wanted to avoid
I will never buy an axe
And never drink booze
Otherwise I'll drink the house
The snow calls to the family in the winter
But he never wants to do like daddy did
But when there's no job to be found
The hand of fate is making him drink
And so Turmiolan tommi comes to life once again
And the manners of lords rub off on the peasant
Full gallop towards the liquor store
It drives a man to despair
When the frost claims the crops
From the cold earth, quietly
A cold eye stares
As the axe rises
From amidst the hills
From inside the earth
Fathers look upon their sons with pride
Unemployment, booze, axe and family
Snow, police and the last mistake
This land of thousands of mournful songs
Which flows into thousands of lakes
A tenacious people, the amount of whose self-pity
Is not measured with sense or determined by Kärki
In whose songs trump cards are lost
And the gates of heaven remain shut
They tell of Einari Epätoivo (~Danny Despair)
KoshkoiKoshkoi    Fr, 26/08/2016 - 15:46

Thank you for a great translation!

The translator did a great job, but I think this is a 4 star translation as the last work with the details are missing.
1) They are not hills, but graves. Then the word is not "hill", but "grave" or its variant. "Hill" tells about the forest etc.
2) Lumihanki is "snowdrift". The word has been repeated twice and "snow" is excellent for the 4-star translation, but for 5 stars, the real word must be sought.
3)"But when there's no job to be found" The same thing. Absolutely fine with 4-stars, but unfortunately a bit of work more for the real words would be needed for the 5-stars.
4) "Full gallop" means " täyttä laukkaa" as an order or an analysis of the gallop. Kohti laukkaa, means "he is galloping", and it can be said in a many ways.

You did a marvelous job! This is a very hard song to translate. Your translation is in my opinion the best of the English translations. You do English so well that you have a temptation to become 4 although with just a little bit more you would be 5. And 4 is marvelous, but you could become 5. I'll give you 5 stars if you work with your translation a bit. You can do it your way. ;)