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  • Cumbia Ninja

    Ojos en la espalda → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

Eyes in the back

You have to have eyes in the back,
Like sensors that activate an alarm
In this jungle no one saves you,
Trust to nobody ,
Have eyes in the back.
You've to see what others don't see,
Be ready cause it's not known who's he
They come for you
Waiting u to be alone,
An oversight and they kill you
In the blink of an eye.
Each step you give,don't do it secretly.
If you're moving make it look like you're still
If you're coming make 'em believe that you went,
Eyes in the back .. eyes in the back.
This is the reality in what we live,
And it hurts when we lose to a loved one
The street calls me but it's not in my destiny
That I take revenge and I became to a killer.
Even if it hurts deeply in my soul I've to accept it
Be the example for you(all)to make a change
But wake up that here no one saves you
Eyes in the back.. eyes in the back.
Watch out (watch out )
Think carefully.. (think carefully)
You've to have..
Eyes in the back.
Watch out (watch out)
Think it carefully.. (think it carefully)
You've to have...
Eyes in the back.
To keep standing
Always it's necessary a pair of eyes
Like it's not necessary those who kill for pleasure
If late you noticed that you're already in Heaven
Take a look
To whom loves you and to whom you loved.
My eyelashes are crying
His arms already are broken
He lives his feats to don't feel alone
I'll always wonder why you gone
I should lend you my eyes.

Ojos en la espalda

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