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Песня Гениального Сыщика Liedtext

О, йес!
Я гениальный Сыщик,
Мне помощь не нужна,
Найду я даже прыщик
На теле у слона.
Как лев, сражаюсь в драке,
Тружусь я, как пчела,
А нюх, как у собаки,
А глаз, как у орла.
О, йес!
Руки моей железной
Боятся, как огня,
И в общем бесполезно
Скрываться от меня.
Проворнее макаки,
Выносливей вола,
А нюх, как у собаки,
А глаз, как у орла.
О, йес!
Бывал я в разных странах
И если захочу,
То поздно или рано
Я всех разоблачу.
Как мышь, крадусь во мраке,
Плыву, как камбала,
А нюх, как у собаки,
А глаз, как у орла.
О, йес!


Übersetzungen von „Песня Гениального ...“
Englisch #1, #2
   Do, 22/12/2016 - 19:18

This song is from "По следам бременских музыкантов".
The singer is Muslim Magomaev.
I've changed the artist

Eva TrussellEva Trussell
   Do, 22/12/2016 - 20:21

There had been a lot of controversy in Russian media in the past about who actually performed the songs in "Bremenskije Myzikanti" (Бременские Музыканты) and "Po Sledam.." (По Следам...) I heard that all songs except for one, "Solntze Vzoidet" ( Солнце Взойдет...) were performed by Oleg Anofriev. And yes, I saw some of the records attributing this particular song (Песня Гениального Сыщика) to Myslim Magomayev, but I grew up thinking it is not true. According to the TV program I saw, Magomayev was offered to sing all or majority of the songs for that project, but then after singing one song he dropped out of the project for whatever reason. Anofriev then had to finish the job and had sung the remaining (all except Солнце Взойдет...) songs himself. Either way, both artists's names come up when conducting the search. I love Muslim Magomayev's Voice, and have nothing against giving him the credit for this song. I went on Wikipedia and what I noticed so far is that both artists's pages are avoiding reference to the songs in "Bremenskije Myzikanti" and "Po Sledam" as performed by them. Anofriev's page is very brief, yet it mentions the "voice over"work in that project in the very beginning, without mentioning the songs. Muslim Magomayev's page does not even reference this work at all. But then again, Magomayev did a lot more in music, and he is definitely a bigger name in show business :-)