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Sprachen tauschen

Let's start from the beginning

I'm seeing a return to my tears from above the chaos, my love
I'm building a castle from the ground up on our sands
And it's like life fell on top of us
I'm starting our speedometer from the beginning
We'll start from zero and go from there.
Come on, let's start from the beginning
Meet me there
Like you saw me for the first time
Face me
Like two strangers who know each other, who are burned by love
Hug me like it's the first time.
I was afraid of whatever was scary
And that's how I was born in the thunder
I'm building your waves on top of time
That's how the water is taking your form
I'm starting our speedometer from the beginning
We'll start from zero and go from there.
Come on, let's start from the beginning
Meet me there
Like you saw me for the first time
Face me
Like two strangers who know each other, who are burned by love
Hug me like it's the first time.
Look at how my ropes are binding me
How they're binding me, free me
My kisses are waiting
They're waiting, live for me
I'm starting our speedometer from the beginning
We'll start from zero and go from there.
Come on, let's start from the beginning
Meet me there
Like you saw me for the first time
Face me
Like two strangers who know each other, who are burned by love
Hug me like it's the first time.

Πάμε απ' την αρχή

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