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  • Irina Rimes

    Pentru totdeauna → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

For always

Mama, the longing doesn't pain me anymore
His absence doesn't pain me anymore
I don't feel anything anymore, I've become tired
From how much I loved him
I thought that I wouldn't be able to forget you
I thought that it was for always
I still feel how it flickers gently
Longing for you, in me
I didn't think that there was life after you
I'll write stories about the past
I'll write so that I don't forget them
I'll write until I slowly disappear
You know, I've forgotten you
Don't forget me
Don't forget me
I want you to know that this is my revenge
Keep me within the regrets next to your heart
Mama, the longing doesn't pain me anymore
His absence doesn't pain me anymore
I don't feel anything anymore, I've become tired
From how much I loved him
From how much I loved him
Run, heart, run
Cause the monster has died
But now you can scream
You can yell, you can cry
You can punch with clenched fists
Even if it can't be seen, I always have teary eyes
My heart doesn't hurt anymore
I don't play the victim anymore
I don't give anymore, and you don't give anymore
I don't have a comeback anymore
The last word is always something petty
We both make use of the most cruel truth
We're alone together
Sometime ago, we laughed in the sun, now we shout in the storm
And when there's lightning and thunder
You have words as a shield
I didn't see them, I couldn't
I won't forget you
Mama, the longing doesn't pain me anymore
His absence doesn't pain me anymore
I don't feel anything anymore, I've become tired
From how much I loved him
From how much I loved him
...leave, I've learned this sometime
Before you, but not ahead of you
And I want you to love the way I loved you
Maybe this way you'll understand what a heavy heart means

Pentru totdeauna

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