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  • Pocari Sweat → Übersetzung auf Englisch

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Pocari Sweat

I ni han-sutaming dhokiwa aka menbai
“Ang si zhaeshu á” ffueashi
Nani ishutaki yono ka?
Kotohou vaito shu shimata sa
Jukowa tomo hadaka yo
Ó, mi’uzu ga na; nimatako
Ngagataki gai nara, kanamas to
Ffak fuxa kioko; koko moyayó!
Ênban dhakajê
Jukowa mo’o dhaka wu shung tê
Shung tê! Okotue in the way
Morikoro! Ênbanwa lunadê
Ye; marowa han-sutaming dhoki ni
Ffank-fin o wiva gzhoiming
Ffank-fin o krinming-swaik-ê ka?
Maroen krinwaik o kê na
Minchi ni ikruta Taki-sawa
Rukwáiku; tugi mawa;
Steve Wilkos jiye o hanaming
Koga ueng zhitaming kawa?
People keep telling me speak American
I’m sorry that you’re so arrogant
That you insist I speak your language
Hodgepodge of French and Anglish
Rêto o koko togameming-ê
Va, zhêk makan-go o kê
What’s that? Want a translation?
Nê kn-osis, just speak Evu’enian
Hato chê yanwa chongchang kinu ka?
Shung koewa liu di kobe sa
Chikara mo aka uruwa;
Oni chê samu mo nekffik da
Pokari Sweto kápu ri ffueshi
Tutanawa yongshóng o tobeming
Tamizu o tobetamingwa zumi pinara,
Sumata chi ni hanaming na
Minchi ni ikruta Taki-sawa
Rukwáiku; tugi mawa;
Steve Wilkos jiye o hanaming
Koga ueng zhitaming kawa?
Ye; Mr. Taki da.
I’m here just bana o suru,
spoto-jurínk ffueashi drinkin’ all these yongshóng.
Alun kyêzai da ne.

Pocari Sweat

When I talk to people it’s very interesting
It’s like “um like something uh”
What’s the problem?
Afterwards, I remember something important
It’s because I’m completely naked
Oh, goddamn, ya know? Dang it
When things happen, it sucks, so if you’re hurting
Fuck clothing; let’s burn them now!
Number one tall man
I’m taller than the fuckin’ sun
Damn sun! Always in the way
Showoff! The moonlight is number one
Yeah, when I speak
I clearly have The Funk
You haven’t met The Funk?
If so, you haven’t met me either, huh
Mr. Taki on the streets is
Freerunnin’; next time:
Steve Wilkos throws a chair
Where’s the river for going to the bathroom?
People keep telling me speak American
I’m sorry that you’re so arrogant
That you insist I speak your language
Hodgepodge of French and Anglish
I just roasted a language
Well, it was just “ ‘merican ”
What’s that? Want a translation?
Lol sorry ‘bout ya, just speak Evu’enian
The words from my mouth are Chinese silk?
My fuckin’ voice is actually a dragon’s scales
Powerful and very beautiful;
It’s armour from within and a throat-sword
Like they’re Pocari Sweat cups,
I’m drinking motherfuckers
Every time I’m finished with my drink,
I always throw it in the recycle bin
Mr. Taki on the streets is
Freerunnin’; next time:
Steve Wilkos throws a chair
Where’s the river for going to the bathroom?
Yeah; it’s Mr. Taki.
I’m here just flying the flag,
drinkin’ all these motherfuckers like a sports drink.
It’s some crazy shit, know what I mean?
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