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  • No Te Va Gustar

    Presente → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen


No entiendo, puede ser suerte
Tal vez no lo merezca el cantor
Constantes pruebas de amor
Inspira, siempre se siente
Enciende como un fuego interior
Que es el que quema el dolor
Y me aleja de la muerte
Miro el pasado y es solo desorden
Miro el futuro y no se si es verdad
Creo que entonces elijo el presente, que es urgente
Son tantos, vienen de lejos
No puedo no rendirme a sus pies
Si no pensalo al revés
Hoy viajo, no tengo un mango
Probablemente llueva otra vez
Decide, qué mas querés
Soy creyente de la gente
Miro el pasado y es solo desorden
Miro el futuro y no se si es verdad
Creo que entonces elijo el presente, que es urgente
Miro el pasado y es solo desorden
Miro el futuro y no se si es verdad
Creo que entonces elijo el presente, que es urgente.


I don't understand, it can be luck
Maybe the singer doesn't deserve it
Constant proofs of love
It inspires, he always feels it
It lights up like an inner fire
That burns the pain
And takes me far from death.
I look at the past and it's only chaos
I look at the future and I don't know if it's true.
I think, then I choose the present which is urgent.
They are so many, they come from afar
I can't not yield at their feet
If not, think of it the other way around
Today I'm traveling, I don't have money
It will probably rain again
Decide, what more do you want=
I am a believer in the people
I look at the past and it's only chaos
I look at the future and I don't know if it's true.
I think, then I choose the present which is urgent.
I look at the past and it's only chaos
I look at the future and I don't know if it's true.
I think, then I choose the present which is urgent.
No Te Va Gustar: Top 3