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  • Davor Badrov

    Ptica Polomljenih Krila → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

Ptica Polomljenih Krila

Pricaj mi, pricaj, druze moj
pricaj mi sve o zeni toj
kome je sinoc igrala oko stola
Ma kome bi se dopala
pijana je i propala
njene su oci, veruj mi, pune bola
Nocima luta i luta
skrenula s pravog je puta
Nikog nema, nikog nema
da mu nocu krevet sprema
nije njena izguzvana svila
Nece, nece srecna biti
kao sto je tvoja bila
sad je ptica polomljenih krila
Nikog nema, nikog nema
da se nocu sa njim svadja
nikog nema djecu da mu radja
Nece, nece srecna biti
kao sto je tvoja bila
sad je ptica polomljenih krila
sad je ptica polomljenih krila
Pricaj mi, pricaj, druze moj
da l' svima redom daje broj
da l' mjesto mene neko je kuci prati
Ma ko bi takvu ljubio
zbog takve glavu gubio
ne zna da krije, za tobom ona pati
Nocima luta i luta
skrenula s pravog je puta

Bird with broken wings

Tell me, tell, my friend
Tell me everything about that woman
Who did she dance for around the table last night
Oh who would ever like her
She's drunk and fallen apart
Her eyes are, believe me, full of pain
She wanders and wanders through the nights
She lost the right way
She's has no one, she's has no one
To make their bed at night
It's not her silk that's wrinkled
She won't be, won't be happy
Like when she was yours
She's now a bird with broken wings
She's has no one, she's has no one
To fight with at night
She has no one to have children with
She won't be, won't be happy
Like when she was yours
She's now a bird with broken wings
She's now a bird with broken wings
Tell me, tell, my friend
Does she give each and everyone her number
Does someone follow her home instead of me
Oh who would ever like her
She's drunk and fallen apart
Her eyes are, believe me, full of pain
She wanders and wanders through the nights
She lost the right way
Davor Badrov: Top 3