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*Persian doesn't distinguish between male or female in pronouns
**aan means the belonging or motivation/gift/talent.....
***the way Quran describes heaven
Jane man ast ou, hey mazanidash
Me soul is (s)he* , continually don't hit him(her)*
**aane man ast ou, hey mabaridash
Mine is he, continually don't take him away
Aabe man ast ou, nane mans ast ou
My water is he, my bread is he
Mesl nadarad bagh omidash
Similar doesn't have his garden of hope
Bagh o jananash, aabe ravanash
His garden and heaven, his streaming water ***
Sorkhie sibash, sabzie bidash
Redness of his apple, greenness of his willow ***
Mottasel ast ou, mo'tadel ast ou
Connected is he, mild is he
Sham'e dalest ou, pish kashidash
The candle (light) of heart is he, pull him over
Har ke ze ghogha, vaz sare so'da
Whoever due to fuss, and due to commerce
Sar keshad inja, sar beboridash
Meddle in, cut his head
Aam biyayad, khas konidash
Illiterate comes, make him special
Kham biyayad, ham bepazidash
Raw (inexperienced) comes, cook him (to become experienced)


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Sammlungen mit "متصل"
FantasyFantasy    Di, 08/08/2017 - 10:40

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.

FantasyFantasy    Fr, 06/12/2019 - 18:49

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