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  • Caparezza

    La mia parte intollerante → Übersetzung auf Englisch

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My intolerant part

3B* of an I.T.C*2 a class of your usual (daddy's) kids
I have amletic doubts typical of 16 year olds: to be or not to be pathetic
And yeah I have thick glasses, if only you'd see
Friends who often call me Nessie
Tireless, they press me like one would a stencil...Bud Spencer and Terence Hill
Repressed, with huge limits
But pumped full of biceps like the stars you envy
It's creepy*3 how to look cool they leave bruises
I don't live for football, I don't speak of hot chicks, I don't wear fashionable clothes
So I'm excluded from any discussion
No, they don't know me but they hit their knuckles on my profile (which looks like) Cyrano's
If you're violent here everyone has you in high regard
If you're gentle they laugh at you like at Totò*4
But those who are mild like me know that
When your balls become square
Like a kamikaze drinking sake
I set (everything?) on fire/focus*5 around me
I find very interesting
My intolerant part
That makes all these good people
Revolting to me
Next to my desk a hip hop fan
Is snorting gunpowder
He says a dude is more capable
The more holes he has in his chest
I understand that, but I prefer
Karol*6 to disks of muscle-bound artists
Proud of their criminal pasts
Vain, filmed in aggressive poses
While I'm weak and have mononucleosis
I study in a class of hot-headed (people)
Excited by blood cells as though they were Bela Lugosi
Keep in mind that I'm cerebrally moved
By excessively loving actions
When you're 16 there are only two options since
Either you become a pugilist or you become like me,
(Me) who is weak, who has no rules, who has out of fashion things
Who hates the cliché of the man who must never ask
Since if you don't ask, you can't know
Since I adore Warhol and Wilde
Since if you look for me you'll find me in the crowd of a gay pride
But know that if you'll provoke me you'll be in trouble
Doctor Jekyll turns into Mr. Hyde
And kills you dead with Raid*7
I find very interesting
My intolerant part
That makes all these good people
Revolting to me
My dear professors, I wish
There would be fewer shitty*8 bullies around, and more gay people
More (people with) dreadlocks and fewer (wearing) Moncler*9
More (playing) Stratocasters and fewer DJs
Call the Blair Witch because I have a project in mind
Staying a teenager forever. I'm very calm but in my mind
I have a latent virus inclined to violent actions
You hear more and more often
That I'm a depressed lunatic
Better (to be) depressed than assholes, like "I don't give a fuck"
Why don't they say "I care!"
May they take a cypress up the ass then,
Doesn't matter since my destiny is being alone with anyone
I'll gift my smiles to the animals
Like Francesco of Assisi and Pippi Longstocking
I find very interesting
My intolerant part
That makes all these good people
Revolting to me
I find very interesting
My intolerant part (3x)

La mia parte intollerante

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