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  • Christos Dantis

    Σκοτώνω → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

I kill

I found the strength yesterday,
but it is obvious.
{Finding} trash upon the stairs,
that the address is old,
that the outside door is closed,
old bills
and dead leaves all over the place,
{I assumed that} you must be living somewhere else.
There's rust upon the bars,
my breath is heavy.
This is impossible,
thus, you forgot about me.
I peel myself off at the frost,
you can even tell by my lips.
I love it when you had told me:
"I'll go with you wherever it leads us to".
Driven by anger I kill
for you left me here,
for you let me live.
Do you consider this a life ?
I chase after shadows,
every day.
And only at Sundays,
I kill the loneliness.
I kill, driven by anger,
for you left me here !
I kill anything I can kill
and I still love you.
I kill so as to see you
and, since this is not enough,
my own self
is what I kill to live !
I kill, driven by anger,
for you left me here !
I kill anything I can kill
and I still love you.
I kill so as to see you
and, since this is not enough,
my own self
is what I kill to live !
I found the strength yesterday
and enough bullets.
And since you're not here,
I kill the emptiness
and make a wish,
if you're hit by a bullet,
to enter your body
and sacrifice myself !


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