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Strange Loves

I'm sorry, I have to go away
But I knew that it was a lie
How much time wasted on him
Who promises but then never changes
Strange loves cause trouble
But actually it's us
And I wait for him to call
Fighting (with other members of family) that the phone would be free
With the heart in stomach
Curled up in the corner
There, alone in a chill
But why he is not here...
Strange loves that make you to grow
And to laugh between the tears
How many pages to write
Dreams and bruises to share
They are loves that often at this age
Confuse in this soul
That you question about without deciding
If this is the right love for us
And how many night wasted on crying
Reading again these letters
That you are not able to throw away anymore
From the labyrinth of nostalgy
Great loves that finish
But why do they remain in the heart?
Strange loves that go and come
In the thoughts that hide there
Real stories that belong to us
But they leave like us
Strange fragile loves
Prisoners, free
Strange loves cause trouble
But actually it's us
Strange fragile loves
Prisoners, free
Strange loves that can't live
And they get lost in us
I'm sorry, I have to go away
This time I have promised it to myself
Because I want a true love
Without you

Strani amori

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Don JuanDon Juan
   Sa, 03/06/2017 - 23:27

Missing choir voices were added and typos corrected - please update your translation accordingly.