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I'll Tell You 'I Do'

I don't know if I ever told you
About that hovercraft wreckage
A dream that was left there
Amidst rust and dried salt
Fiberglass dreams that don't leave a trail
But, I will
I'll tell you 'I do', I'll tell you 'I do'
Don't you tear yourself down
Yes, I'll tell you 'I do', I'll tel you 'I do', here you don't feel bad
People have called him a 'genius' and a 'gypsy'
And a few other things, and I don't know anything else about him
It looks a little bit with limping
Never understanding why
But yes, that's how it was, sometimes it's like that
But don't you ever surrender, yes, I'll tell you 'I do'
I'll tell you 'I do', you don't have to convince me
I've already decided that that darkness will also come with me
It's a part of me
And with everything else about me
There's the thing that isn't explained and then isn't revealed
And like in every true story, there's a part that's a little darker
That one loves and hates at the same time
That one loves and hates at the same time
It will be me, I'll tell you 'I do'
I'll tell you 'I do', but try to understand me, to understand me
Yes, I'll tell you 'I do'
I'll tell you 'I do', but don't you delude me
Yes, I'll tell you 'I do'
I'll tell you 'I do', but don't you stop here

Ti dirò di sì

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vadoalmarevadoalmare    Do, 27/11/2014 - 01:50

I like your translation!
-che non lasciano la sia : that don't leave a trail
- gli han detto: people have called HIM
- che si ama/si odia is not reflexive, it's the impersonal form: that one loves and hates at the same time

Don JuanDon Juan
   Do, 27/11/2014 - 21:59

Thanks for the rating and the comment.

The wrong sentences have been corrected according to your suggestions. ;)

And was 'I'll tell you 'I do' a correct way of translating 'Ti dirò di sì'? I had doubts when translating these lyrics.

vadoalmarevadoalmare    So, 30/11/2014 - 22:52

'Ti dirò di sì': your translation is correct if this is in reply to a marriage proposition; I'm not sure I agree with this interpretation, but it is always difficult to get the context of a song. "Dire di sì" also means to agree with someone, to agree to do something.
I would probably leave it as " I will say yes to you" in the title and then, in the song itself, my choice would be " I will go along with you" because it seems to me that she's trying to say that she will do what he asks of her, will follow him regardless.