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  • Zdravko Čolić

    Zbogom Ivana → Übersetzung auf Englisch

Sprachen tauschen

Farewell Ivana

Farewell, Ivana, be happy
change your perfume, I hate it
farewell, don't regret it, it's still better like this
would it really be better if we lasted longer?
Ivana, Ivana, I say in vain
close your eyes while I kiss you and leave
Ivana, Ivana
Farewell Ivana, my good angel
I'm not the man for you
I'm too much like a wolf, you're too much like a sheep, an old story
far from the eye, far from the heart

Zbogom Ivana

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barsiscevbarsiscev    Mi, 11/12/2013 - 00:24

Pozz, Amastasija.
Mislim da ovde ima greške
"an old bird", mora biti "an old story"

   Mi, 11/12/2013 - 00:28

Da u pravu si, pogresno sam to procitala haha :) Hvala ^_^

barsiscevbarsiscev    Mi, 11/12/2013 - 00:32

Joj, kako sam umoran od takvog pravopisa
zesce - cesce umesto žešće i češće.

   Mi, 11/12/2013 - 00:45

xD Razumem. I meni se više sviđa, kad prevodim pesmu da ima č,ć,š, :) Ali šta ćemo haha