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Šteta za mene

Stvarno šteta za mene,
a mogla sam ja da budem sve,
a nisam, šteta je...
Svi su hteli mi dobro,
a ja sam birala
za sebe samu najgore
Šteta je, šteta je, šteta za mene,
što znala sam da sklonim se
drugom da krene
Ma, ne voliš ti mene,
kol'ko je meni do mene ravno,
ja niko sam i ništa,
al' makar neću propasti slavno
Al' uspela sam zar ne,
da me svi zaborave,
pa i ti
Stvarno šteta za mene,
milion koraka, a cilja nisam imala,
šteta je...
Evo tonem sve dublje,
to život vuče me,
a kako sam samo plivala
Šteta je, šteta je, šteta za mene,
što znala sam da sklonim se
drugom da krene
Evo, odbijam da budem prva,
na toj počasti zbogom i hvala,
još tu mrvu sebe, ja bih sebi dala

It’s a pitty for me

It’s a real pitty for me, I could have been anything, but I’m not, it’s a pitty.
Everybody wanted the best for me, but I chose the worst for myself
It’s a pitty, it’s a pitty, it’s a pitty for me,
That I knew how to step aside, so others can succeed
Well, you don’t love me, as equal as I hate myself,
I am nobody and nothing,
But at least I won’t ruin my glory,
But I have succeeded haven’t I, for everyone to forget me, even you.
It’s a real pitty for me, I took one million steps, but I had no goal,
It’s a pitty.....
Well I’m sinking even deeper, this life drags me down, but oh how I kept on swimming.
It’s a pitty, it’s a pitty, it’s a pitty for me, that I know how to step aside, so others can succeed
Well, I’m refusing to be first, You should honour that goodbye and thankyou, Still that last crumb, I would give it to myself
Ceca: Κορυφαία 3