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أهواک و اتمنى لو انساک
و انسى روحی ویاک
وان ضاعت یبقى فداک لو تنسانی
و انساک و ترینی بانسى جفاک
و اشتاق لعذابی معاک
والقى دموعی فاکراک ارجع تانی
فی لقاک الدنیا تجینی معاک
و رضاها یبقى رضاک
و ساعتها یهون فی هواک طول حرمانی
أهواک و اتمنى لو انساک
و انسى روحی ویاک
وان ضاعت یبقى فداک لو تنسانی
و انساک و ترینی بانسى جفاک
و اشتاق لعذابی معاک
والقى دموعی فاکراک ارجع تانی
فی لقاک الدنیا تجینی معاک
و رضاها یبقى رضاک
و ساعتها یهون فی هواک طول حرمانی
والاقیک مشغول وشاغلنی بیک
وعینی تیجی فی عینیک
وکلامهم یبقى علیک وانت تداری
واراعیک واصحى من اللیل انادیک
وابعت روحی تصحیک
قوم یاللی شاغلنی بیک جرب ناری
والاقیک مشغول وشاغلنی بیک
وعینی تیجی فی عینیک
وکلامهم یبقى علیک وانت تداری
واراعیک واصحى من اللیل انادیک
وابعت روحی تصحیک
قوم یاللی شاغلنی بیک جرب ناری
أهواک و اتمنى لو انساک
و انسى روحی ویاک
وان ضاعت یبقى فداک لو تنسانی
و انساک و ترینی بانسى جفاک
و اشتاق لعذابی معاک
والقى دموعی فاکراک ارجع تانی
فی لقاک الدنیا تجینی معاک
و رضاها یبقى رضاک
و ساعتها یهون فی هواک، فی هواک طول حرمانی

I love you

I love you
I love you and I wish I could forget you
And forget my soul with you
And if it gets lost then it remains yours if you ever forget me
And I forget you and you show me how to forget your cruelty
But I miss the suffering you inflict on me
And my tears remind me of you, and I go back to you
And when I see you, it’s like the whole world coming at me with you
And its desires are yours
And at that moment, all my deprivation disappears in your love
I love you
I love you and I wish I could forget you
And forget my soul with you
And if it gets lost then it remains yours if you ever forget me
And I forget you and you show me how to forget your cruelty
But I miss the suffering you inflict on me
And my tears remind me of you, and I go back to you
And when I see you, it’s like the whole world coming at me with you
And its desires are yours
And at that moment, all my deprivation disappears in your love
And I find you thinking about me and me about you
And my eyes are into your eyes
And what they sare is all over you even though you try to deny it
And I take care of you, waking up in the night, to call out to you
And I send my soul to wake you up
Get up, you who I obsess about, try to go through the hell I’ve been through
And I find you thinking about me and me about you
And my eyes are into your eyes
And what they sare is all over you even though you try to deny it
And I take care of you, waking up in the night, to call out to you
And I send my soul to wake you up
Get up, you who I obsess about, try to go through the hell I’ve been through
I love you and I wish I could forget you
And forget my soul with you
And if it gets lost then it remains yours if you ever forget me
And I forget you and you show me how to forget your cruelty
But I miss the suffering you inflict on me
And my tears remind me of you, and I go back to you
And when I see you, it’s like the whole world coming at me with you
And its desires are yours
And at that moment, all my deprivation disappears in your love
   Πέμ, 21/05/2020 - 18:28

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