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Путін — хуйло

Путін — хуйло́!

Пу́тин — хуйло́

Пу́тин — хуйло́!
BalkantürkBalkantürk    Τρί, 16/08/2022 - 22:52

Hi Oliver, хуйло is said in Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian. It's sort of an english dickhead but much ruder. If you want you could delete the proofreading since there is no mistake

BalkantürkBalkantürk    Τρί, 16/08/2022 - 23:11

Oh I totally forgot also you could omit but it's up to you accents; Russians used it but when they are teaching Russian to level A1 students O in Russian letter o when it is stressed and it is pronounced like a. For e.g За (stressed a) мок (castle) and Замо(stressed o) к means lock. Accents are important but you have to memorize them so the "correct" way is Путін — хуйло. In Bosnian we could say kreten which Russian translation is кретин but I don't want you to get confused, since you don't know those languages, so if you want to leave as Путін — хуйло is fine :) Oh and in Spanish well yes imbécil but if we want to be rude we said gilipollas more than imbécil but both are correct :)

IovaIova    Τρί, 16/08/2022 - 23:05

If you want to translate this to Russian and be harsher than «хуйло», then be creative and use «мудак», «кретин» or something like that. Or even better — «выродок», to be the closest to the meaning. Which I believe is much more appealing for Putin. :)

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Τετ, 17/08/2022 - 11:52
Vote has been deleted.

Do not see any translation here. It is letter to letter madness. Accents make it funny, as ла-ла-ла

Don JuanDon Juan
   Τετ, 17/08/2022 - 13:13

[@Igeethecat] Considering the last comments you left - and what I told you myself already (which you know so well that you even poked fun at it elsewhere) a collective decision by the staff towards unpublishing your comments was made. Unfortunately, drastic action needed to be taken because you simply don't seem to want to understand what Mods and Editors are telling you, and worse, you want an argument and a discussion where you won't have any simply because the content in question doesn't break any rule. Further action may be necessary in case of further violations. Thank you for understanding. I will report your rating once again.