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Himno de la Comunitat Valenciana (Valencia)

Per a ofrenar noves glòries a Espanya
Todos a una voz, hermanos, venid
¡Ja en el taller i en el camp remoregen
Càntics d'amor, himnes de pau!
¡Paso a la Región
Que avança en marxa triomfal!
Per a Tú la vega envia
La riquessa que atresora
I és la veu de l'aigua càntics d'alegria
Acordat al ritme de guitarra mora.
Paladines del Arte te ofrendan
Sus victorias gigantescas
Y a tus pies, sultana, tus jardines extienden
Un tapiz de mirto y de rosas finas
Brindan frutas doradas
Los paraísos de las riberas
Penden los pendientes
Baix les arcades de les palmeres.
Sona la veu amada
i en potentíssim, vibrant ressò,
Notas de nuestro amanecer
Canten les glòries de la Regió.
Valencianos: levantémonos
Que nostra veu
La llum salude
D'un sol novell.
Per a ofrenar noves glòries a Espanya
Tots a una veu, germans, vingau.
¡Ja en el taller i en el camp remoregen
Càntics d'amor, himnes de pau!
¡Ondeó en el aire
Nostra Senyera!
¡Glòria a la Pàtria!
¡Visca València!
¡Visca! ¡Visca! ¡Visca!

Anthem Of The Valencian Community (Valencia)

To offer new glories to Spain
our Region, it knew to fight.
They mumble, both in workshops and in the fields,
songs of love and anthems of peace!
Make way for the Region that
is advancing in a triumphal march!
My orchards come to give you
all the wealth they have been treasuring,
and the voice of the water is a song of joy
in tune with the rhythm of a Moorish guitar.
Art paladins are coming
to offer their laurels;
and at your feet, sultana, your gardens extend
to create a tapestry of roses, spikenards and carnations.
Rich gold is offered from
riverside orange trees;
golden bunches are hung
underneath the palm archades.
Sound the beloved voice of the palms
echoing victorious and vibrantly
notes from our aubade
sing out the glories of our Region.
Let's wake up, Valencians!
Let our voice
greet the light of a new sun.
To offer new glories to Spain,
our Region, it knew to fight.
They mumble, both in workshops and in the fields
songs of love and hymns of peace!
Fluttering in the wind
is our Senyera (Valencian flag)!
Glory to the Fatherland!
Long live Valencia!
Long live! Long live! Long live!
   Παρ, 07/10/2016 - 07:57

Thanks, Ellen. It would be nice to have the source text corrected, so that it should be in Catalan language and not in a mix of Catalan and Spanish.

   Παρ, 07/10/2016 - 19:35

It was very late into the night here and I could have sworn the original was in Spanish! I think since it's the anthem of Valencia, the original lyrics should be in Valencian and Spanish/Catalan/English etc. be added as translations. What do you think?

   Παρ, 07/10/2016 - 20:36

Hello Ellen!

Well, this is a rather controversial subject, because officially there is no Valencian language, although some people from Valencia would be willing to argue about it. Officially the language of this anthem is Catalan (which is not a dialect of Spanish, if anyone should have doubts about it) in its Valencian variety. I don't want to go too deep into this matter, but in general I have raised this issue not because of the controversy "Valencian or Catalan".

The original version published under the link that you indicate as "translation source", whether we call the language "Valencian" or "Catalan", looks correct to me. The problem is the version submitted by our colleague SaintMark. If you look closer at it, it is a mix of the Catalan (Valencian) version and the Spanish one. For example, in the first stanza the second line reads "Todos a una voz, hermanos, venid" (Spanish). This stanza is repeated towards the end of the anthem and the analogous line reads "Tots a una veu, germans, vingau" (Catalan). Other lines are a mix of Catalan and Spanish. I wish someone could put it all in order. I cannot do this because I'm not authorized to edit posts, so I'm just trying to find someone who could take care of it.


   Παρ, 07/10/2016 - 22:03

Ah, I see your point. I'm going to look into it and see if we can come to an agreement about the changing of the original, seeing as putting a "Valencian" version wouldn't make that much of a difference. I'm aware of Valencia's recognition of the dialect, and how others think about it as an actual dialect at all. Just thought it'd be nice to have a category for it, even if it falls under a ** (dialects) category, just for the sake of saying that it has some differences from the original text.

   Σάβ, 08/10/2016 - 06:37

Actually, the most important thing woukd be to replace the lines that are erroneously in Spanish in the original text with their equivalents in Catalan. The lines in Spanish must have been copied there by mistake and, in fact, they are part of a translation into Spanish of the anthem that is originally 100% in Catalan.