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[سینا تهم (تهران)]
گرم میشه سمت ما شب هرکه باشد
سر مست واژه است، درد «سر» را رهسپار است
من هم در به در سرگشته ام ز درک عالم
حاضرم نقد دهم هرچه دارم در قبالش
می‌شکنم سد، از هر سمت ازم هست یه کار بکر
هنوز سخت، در عجب هستم از حصار فکر
روی فکر، روی فکر، رویش نردبان بکش
این نقش بی‌وجود ننگ رو گاهی رستگار بکش
ببخش اعتبار بهش، یکم اتکا به عشقه لازم
که مثل اعتماد به چشم بازه
به جای ضرص قاطع انعطاف بده
که نتیجه مثل این همیشه یه جنس نابه
[بابک ماکاولی (آذربایجان شرقی)]
(ترکی (؟)، نیازمند تکمیل)
[سانبوی (استان لرستان)]
سرباز وطنم نوشتم آریایی‌ام
خون آریوبرزن تو رگام جارین
من از نژاد اتابکان و یوتاب بی‌باکم
پس بپا اهانت نکنی به ناموسم و خاکم
ساختم از اراده‌ام آهن پا پس نذارمو یادم دادن
وطن پرست متعصبم و ذاتاً نمیره تو باور باختن
لرمو دینمه غیرتم
پاکی چشمه زینتم
مام اوماده د نسل کریم خانم چی برنو بی قیمتم
[حسین هفت (سیستان و بلوچستان)]
بلوچستان ابدمان
ہمہ نام انت مے زندمان
چہ بندات دا گڈسرا
من آشکو ہمہ گہچرا
ب بہادر ل لج چ چالاک و وپادار
کوہہ مزار چوکہ ما
چوک بلوچانے ما
وادے انت منا ملک واستا گپ جنا
اے گپا چندین سال انت منے پگر توکا جاک کن انت
آجوے دئما مارگ دارے
مےملکا کہ راج دارے
پدو رندا گر دراج انت
بلوچستان یک راج انت
[جرشا (استان مازندران)]
(به لهجه/زبان ؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
ما از هر قوم و نژادی توی قلب هیپ‌هاپ ایران
همه یه خانواده‌ایم
واسه اتحادی از عشق که تاریخ‌سازه اینبار
همه یه پایه ثابتیم
[(کروس) امیر بیداد (تهران)]
جان من این است لهجه، زبان من این است
آه من، ایران من
هوای در سینه است
تو بوی بارانی، عازم کوی آبادی
ای داد هر بیداد، وارث روح آزادی
یه جمع تو چنگ جبر جغرافیا
سهم وقت ما کمه ولیکن صبر خدا زیاد
سر قلابه(ـت) تو دست قلابی‌ها تو عصر گمراهی‌ها
دخل ما اومد تا دخل اونا بیاد
یه مشت ترک که مشترکه از نگاه مستند
به انضمام اینکه دشمنم یک و دوش منم
چرا که تا نگاه به عقب و تاریخ کنیم
خود تاریخ سر در تابوت‌هامون رو با میخ کوبید
دفن زیر کوهی که ساخت، زیر گوری که ساخت
زیر علف هرزی که روییده پاش، اینه دونی که کاشت
تو این زنجیره مظلوم واقع میشه
یه تصویر معصوم خادم پیشه
یه قربانی که به محض نجات طول نمی‌کشه حاکم میشه
من اون عابرم که می‌خواستم از آ برم
بدون باری از گذشته سبک سمت عاقبت که نشد
[رضا پیکه (گلستان)]
(به لهجه/زبان ؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
[سولی (خوزستان)]
اهلاً و سهلاً
وولک وصل شده شهرم به قلبم
وولک جنوبی‌ها معروف به جنگن، از مرد، زن، چه بچش
همه فدایی مرزن، یه پرچم
(عربی، نیازمند تکمیل)
[علی اوج (تهران)]
من یه بمب انرژیم واسه نسل بعدم
من همون دهنم که رنگو می‌پاشم از تو قلبم
هیپ‌هاپ واسهٔ من یه جنبش جمعیه تو شهرم
یه نبوغه که حاصلش هست گرمی تو قلم
منم یه مار کبری‌ام که تاریک شده دنیام
می‌خزم توی واقعیت بدون ترس و بحران
از اشتباه درس می‌گیرم و هستم فکر جبران
دنبال توجه نیستم و بهم میگن گمنام
[ترین (هرمزگان)]
ایتوکان ای، چتوکان اوو، گپونِ چرت هی
نشتن بیرونِ گود و شوا بکن لنگش
بم بگه بیچه دگه توا بگِی که چه اته
کارو همه کلیشه که هنگ پسِ دنگن
یه شهر عجیب و خاص، وسط خلیج و فارس
واسه اون که نمیبینه چشمش، کردیم مسیرو باز
هنوز «ترین» روی زمین داغه، می‌سازه پدیده دائم
کارو می‌شنوی مریض و نابه، ولی شما زدی به چاک
[پرهام سزار (گیلان)]
(به لهجه‌ای از لری شاید؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
ا همه سور و زه‌ایم، نیه اتفاقی
د مرتبه مثل میرزا (کوچک‌خان جنگلی) من اصلم کنیم انقلاب
همیشه پیش بییم در فرهنگو حقوق بشر
انی وسی همی پشتمو حرف زیی به اشتباه
امن گیلکیم و عیارمو جر آبرری (؟)
(؟) هرجایی شویی پا بنهیم
من اومام ا قوم گیل و دیلم، ا گیل و دامان
جایی که هیچوقت نزه زانو جلو پیل و شاخام (؟)
[کهگل (کهگیلویه و بویراحمد)]
(لری بختیاری)
هی اومی کرزنگلو، یه چیه افسانه‌ای چی رستم و نوح
و مو بی جا، راهزن رپه نی‌تره زورمه (؟)
سه اوماییم سی صلح و دوستی
شخمتو دیم
به پی‌ای سنگ و برنو بوم و بومیاشو
تک سوارای هیپ‌هاپ
کلمنه تیری کنه یاسوج
نگی که کوه تر زد، کوه (؟) کنم
بدو بچه کنتورته (؟)
درو نگه که کلته کنسروی کنم
دو رو تهم وسط کنسرتم گووم کوه-گل
دهدشته و لری رپن سیت رندش ایکنم تا جنگل مازندران (؟)
یه هدفش صلحه، برابری فرقی نیکنه جیوه پاره بوا یا کاست طلا
[حامد اسلش (خراسان رضوی)]
متولد طوسم و روحم تا ابد وصله به قلب خراسان
مثل رستم پررو و سینه سپرم و دم برم به جنگ خرافات
توی ای پهنه که لحظهٔ سخت شکستن قلبشه با تار
اگه میبینی که نیستم و دورمو، این تبعید برا ما اشد مجازاته
مث خیام خراب می، از ای دشت همیشه آمده نوای نی
دل گرمشه بزم، (؟) غم بشه کم، بذا اندازه تن بشه لباس عشق
باید رپ بشه دیگه صدای ملت، بشکنه همه آینه‌های عبرت
اونم وقتی که روش امضای داداشیت اسلشه، داداشت اسلش
[آتا (سمنان)]
من این دنیا بیام، توی شهری که هر تکه از ای کوچه‌هاش بوی اصالتن اده
توی استان شهری که خشکه و جنوبش تهش به کویرم اثابتم کنه
حومهٔ پر تمدن و فرهنگ
ریگ جن یکی از عجایب خلقت
بایزید و خرقان و قلعش
جنگل ابرش و باغای سرسبز
وقتی که میکروفونه دست مده توم
می‌خوام هرچی که مینه کلم هسته بگوم
از مسجد جومع بسطامه تا صد دروازه (غومسمون؟)
آه خلاصه که همین، مهمون نواز با آدمای جدید
مرام (؟)
سمنان، استان کویری و اصیل
[فیم (کرمان)]
شده جاذبه رپم کار داری با من
از ته کرمون کف کارمانیام
بر گرفته ا کر و کمان
تا گویش و لهجه بازاریاش
صنعت پر، مث صنایع دست
معدن پسته و طلای سبز
کویر (؟)
پر جاذبه شهرم با بنا و نقش
از چهار ماه اسارت لطف علی
مبتنی به بحثای گفتنی
مث خواجوی کرمانی هنری
با مردم خاکیش عشق مشتری (؟)
با قدمت دوهزار سال، ارگ بم
تأکید، یعنی اینو محکم بگم
که بزرگترین سازه خشتی که زلزله (؟) چینه ره به هم
[سینا ساعی (تهران)]
تکلیفا نامعلوم
جلومون راه‌بندون
آسمون که سیاه
من کوتاه نمیام، نه
اضطراب ملموسه
صورت‌ها عبوسه
عقبم یه دیوار
من کوتاه نمیام
زیرچشمی نگاه بکن اوضاع تخمی رو
هیپ‌هاپ تو تاریکی میده سودای خورشیدو
تقدس‌گرایی که مسمومیت اورد
پس با مخاطب می‌کنیم خیلی معمولی تعامل
حوزه این انجمن تلاقی شعر و تفکره
طبیعتاً زیربنا این سازه عشق و تنفره
قدرت ما پذیرش نقد و نقد پذیرشه
پس سلام به پویایی، تا اینجا عقل من می‌کشه
[جی‌دال (تهران)]
هرچی دور شدم، بیشتر سفت شد ریشه‌ام
دیدم با دل و دیده‌ام، نوشتن شد یهو پیشه‌ام
این شعرا کیمیا می‌کنه، میگم چطوریشم
عجم زنده میشه بدین پارسی، فردوسیش من
نگاهم از تو برج رو اتوبان و
ولی همت نیستش، تورنتوئه ۴۰۱ و
اون سر دنیا برای اجرامون صف جلو کلابو
تهران یه روز میره صحنه به جام هولوگرامو
[آریا آهیر (کرمانشاه)]
(لهجه‌ای از کردی، نیازمند تکمیل)
ساکن حاکم کوهستانم هوار کنم مه کوردم
جاف و گوران، لک، هورام کلهر، شیرمردم
سینم سپر آمادهٔ جنگم
داشی، ترسی نیه منه ذاتم
[امین زنیس (ایلام)]
(کردی، نیازمند تکمیل)
[رایمن (همدان)]
(به لهجه/زبان ؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
[کیان (خراسان شمالی)]
(به لهجه/زبان ؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
[عرفان (اصفهان)]
میگن چطور یه جور بروز میدی حس شباتو
که هرجا میریم دور دنیا یکی حفظه رپاتو
تو شهری چشو وا کردم که دیدم نصف جهانو
زادهٔ تلاش ماست اون رپی که عشقه برا تو
(جوابای عرف به لهجه اصفهانی)
میگه: «دادا حالا خسیسی یا نه»
میگم: «مِزه نندا موزیکارو خِریدی یا نه؟»
- «تو که داری، اونور آبیو خرجی نی واست»
+ «تو هم بخوا تا برسی، تو هم وخی بیا هه»
نه که تهران کل ایران با هر لهجه و گویشی
هر وقت با هم بودیم بردیم همه بچهٔ بومشیم
نگهبان دریا، صحرا، جنگل، دره و کوهشیم
زنده‌اس روح شاعرامون تو رپ از دل و خونشیم
[توار (سیستان و بلوچستان)]
(به لهجه/زبان ؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
[امیرعلی اسنیف (فارس)]
عامولیک کاکو، مارو پیدا کو
روی فرهنگ، تمدن مارو امضا کو
بگو ایولو عامو همه آوانگارد، پاسارگاد
تخت جمشیدو آرامگات، بالاس جارو
اینجاس همونجاس که فارس هس اسماً
گفتار، پندار، کردار، عزت
اینجاس حافظ و سعدی و قیمت نیست
واسه کوروشو منشور عبرت
غرور هر آریایی رو با تصویر ذهنش کشیدیم
از فارس، اچوم، لر، ترک قشقا، خمسه، همه رسیدیم
به نوسان ضربات و وحدت کلماتو غیرت حضرات پز میدیم
ماها تئوریک عملیک پرسیدیم
ما پایتخت فرهنگ اقلیمیم
[حسین قدیمی (بوشهر)]
(به لهجه‌ای از لری شاید؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
مو از نسل افتاو و دلیران تنگستان
رئیس علی دلواریو لیان و نخلستان
من اومدم با یه فایز و دشتی
رد پایه غیرتن هرجاشو گشتی
مه که دلم خش، سینم سرم تش میده
سه کو چی سیت بیگوم و چی سیت داره پخش میشه
چه شبایی خوم نبرد، رسی صبو بردمو
دستم هالو ول بکو، بیتم زیرم مرده خو
[ماهان (چهارمحال و بختیاری)]
(لری بختیاری)
آق رضا خان بابادی، نبیدی ببینی نوت جور شیر رپی کنه
تشماله (؟)، ندونه کی بیده که رپی کنه
زاگرس و البرزه منزلم، دونی ایرانه که دل منه
جنلگه دونیمو برنو و شونمو قطاری کمرمه، کدت بره (؟)
سل کو تو نونی که ایل پشتمه، سی‌ای غیرته که وجدانمو سیت کشتمه
ما خی داییم من گِل، گُل سوز کنه، سرزمینه نه باج ده نه قمپوز کنه
ماها رتیم و جنگ، گرتیم خاکه به چنگ
ادونی وا دل تنگ سی عظم وطن با(س) بره تن
کِل بزه گاله بزن، آم به رکابت بختیاری، عاشقتم
[میلاد هانیبال (کردستان)]
(لهجه‌ای از کردی؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
[عدنان وارماشین (اردبیل)]
(لهجه‌ای از ترکی؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
[مهران یاسا (یزد)]
باسی بشینی پا گفم
ببینی چی شی دادی خاک
همیشه سینه سپر میرم جلو نمرم زیر لاک
عاشق کوچه‌های خاکی، گلی، گنبدای خشتی
تو هم یلدا وخی بیا، همی کارات (؟) داشتی
پهلونم، یزدیم، بازیم شخه معمولاً
تو لخ تیفونی الی (؟) استوارم هنو من
آتیشم، آتیشکده هزار ساله رو پام
همه ایران خش و خوبن، منم یتا از اون خوبام، اوسا
[آرتام هومت (خراسان جنوبی)]
(به لهجه‌ای از لری شاید؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
چپتامه بالا کشیدوم و بستم کمر همت
نمستم تلف شه هی وقت
سمی‌تر (؟)ـوم، ا دور میوم با حیبت
تاریخ (؟) وا کنم، رد کردوم مو خیلی مصیبت
و رسم ناصر خسرو، نری تو حیرت
زعفرو خاور مزنم
تو بی‌اویی چا می‌کنم
از قهسو دم می‌زنم، دم نمی‌دم
ولی ما هیچوقت نمی‌شیم تسخیر، نمی‌شیم تسلیم
نمی‌گیم حرفی، بگیریم ترفیع
هیچ جا رو به جنوب خراسان نمی‌دوم ترجیح
[آرش انورتو آرخش (قزوین)]
(به لهجه/زبان ؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
من از زاده رود میرعماد، دهخدا و قرت العینم
زدن (؟) به ای شهر کوینه به اسمم
(؟) میزنم بریزه خون گله گله
(؟) از غربت دل غمگینم
بوی آشنایی مشنوفم از تو قزوینم
نباشی نمیتانم چون از تو گرفتم هستیمه
باشد کی وقتی که نیستم، زاکانی بعدیت شم (؟)
[رض (تهران)]
هیچ آبی نیست بکنه تشنگیمو رف
من شیرهٔ کوهو می‌خوام دماوند رو نوکش برف
ریشه‌ها جنوب یزد، میرسه شمال شرق
بچه ناف تهرون، ساکن نیمهٔ غرب
با صداقت رفتم راه، سبزه تو مسیر نگاه
می‌گشتم درون من، تا پیدا بکنم ما
وحدت وجود در حال عبور از تو لحظه‌ها
نتیجه‌اش، می‌جوشه عشق، می‌شه جاری تو صدا
[سعید اژدر (البرز)]
می‌گذره سال‌ها،‌می‌سازیم فرهنگ
می‌دونی داستانی داره هرکس از اول
تو هر ترک با هر اکت، تو حرکت تا مقصد
یا برعکس آخرسر
پخش( شـ)ـه این صداها تو هر شهر
چفته این فلوها رو هر ضرب
نقش این واژه‌ها که رمزن، بی‌مرزن
رقص رو ریتماس، گرفیتی، بیت‌باکس
نیست تو خون ما ترس
هیپ‌هاپ یه خونوادس
[رضا منجی (قم)]
اینجا قم هستش مهد عهد تغییر انقلابی
حرم صحن اتابکی، هستش قبر پروین اعتصامی توش
اسطوره نه نبود، شیخ عباس قمی و شیخ صدوق
خوانساری شدتش مرکز تشیع واس خاطر جمکرون
هی تو دلی استعمارگر اسمی رد شد مشتی محکم
تو دلی مردمم، گیو گودرز (؟)
نیگا بندا حرم مطهر
به باستانی قمرود یه سر
نه عمو اگه راهت افتاد اینجا یه تکپا بیا سوهون بسن
[سیاوش عالیجناب (مرکزی)]
مث من از مرکز ببین هنوز سلطان آبادیم تو منطقتیم
تکمیله تهش میشه حرف از یه پیر
گنجوی هنرمند این شهر بود و هست. کم(ـ)بوده؟ نه
بزرگان این سرزمین مثال حسابی پروفسور و امیرکبیر
دود از کنده اومد این شهر میشه چاشنی و بمبه تو من
تا اومدم دلخوش بمونم، عمو زنجیرو بافت ولی پشت کوه انداخت
ولی باز سرپام پررو من اینجام، شمام تو مشتشین
از استان مرکزی غرش شیرم، میشناسی ذبی درشکه چیم
[بهنام ترکان (زنجان)]
(لهجه‌ای از ترکی؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
[فردین (آذربایجان غربی)]
(به لهجه/زبان ؟، نیازمند تکمیل)
آه، اشی کاگان بیتو کشت...
[اشکان کاگان (مازندران)]
  • 1. پشت صحنه: [عرفان] اینه؟ بشینم اینجا؟ اوکی، نه باحاله، خیلی بهتره... [کادر به آریا] - آریا + خسته نباشی، چاکر داداش، قربونت بشم... [بیداد] آقا سجاد سه ساعته به من میگه بدو بدو خودش الان رسیده. چکار کردم الان من زودتر رسیدم، سجاد؟... [هفت] - بیام بالا نیام الان؟ چکار کنم؟ + بیا - بذار بینم چجوری میشه بیام... [کادر به اژدر] - سلام، اینورم + سلام... [کادر به یاسا] - تموم شد ویدئوت دیگه + آره دیگه، فک کردم عکسه واساده بودم، همینجوری... [کادر به آرتام] شبیه ابوعلی سینا شدی... [کادر به رض] - بلندتر بگو + بلندتر بگم؟ - آره + آماده‌ای؟ - آره، بریم


1[Sina Taham (Tehran)]
Cold nights will become warm besides us. I'm talking about a man...
Drunk by the words and looking for trouble.
I'm wondering about the secrets of this universe, constantly...
And I'm willing to pay all the cash to understand them.
I break the limits, and from everywhere, you see a masterwork from me.
I'm still surprised about barriers of the mind.
Make a fence around your thoughts
And color this pale pattern of shame with redemption.
To Credit this, you should rely on love
Cause relying on it is like trusting an open eye.
Instead of insistence, become more flexible
And by this, the results will be nothing but a perfect piece like this.
[Babak Makaveli (East Azerbaijan)]
My name is "Babak Makaveli" and my ancestor is "Khoramdin".
If you look at my castle, you see my honor surrounding it.
Let my voice go through Sahand, Yam and Sabalan mountains
and arrive on Ghare Dagh, Miane and Darian.
Let my voice go through Aynali, Zanjan, Tabriz
and Aras Baran, Jolfa and Astara.
There is no one like Torks.
Our honor is limitless and looks into our enemy's eyes.
All teams surrender in front of our football team
and our rivals yawn when they see us.
Come to my land and see our sons, which are born ready from thicket like lions.
The culture of my old city "Tabriz" relies on alliance
and my nation is like a brotherhood... Intergrated and compelete.
[Sunboy (Lurestan)]
I'm a soldier of my country. Count me as an Aryan.
I'm a Lur.
The blood of "Ario Barzan" runs through my vessels.
I'm from the descentdents of "Atabakan" and The Brave "Yutab".
So beware my power, and don't insult my honor and my land.
I made iron out of my will and I'm told to never give up.
I'm a patriot and my heart doesn't believe in losing.
I'm a Lur and my religion is my honor.
And my adornment is the purity of my eyes.
I'm from the descentdents of "Karim Khan Zand" and I am valuable and worth like a weapon (Berno).
[Hossein Haft (Sistan and Baluchestan)]
"Baluchestan", forever!
The name of our nation is all of our life.
From the begining to the end...
I love this land.
"Ba", Brave... "L", Modesty
"u", Agile... "Ch", Loyal
We are like the mountains,
We are like tigers.
We are the sons of "Baluch".
I promise to only speak for my homeland.
These words have been shouting in my mind for years.
Emotions are blocking the path of freedom.
My country is made of many nations.
Follow the past and see its antiquity.
"Baluchestan" is a nation.
[Jarshaa (Mazandaran)]
It's "Jarshaa" from the heart of Iran, "Mazandaran"! Come on!
I'm from the descentdents of "Tapoor", "The White Giant", "Arash" and "Maziyar".
Bro, Every piece of this land has been training real heroes.
The giants of "Mazandaran" thought "Tahmoores" to write.
They tell me to rap and I say: "Call me Grandpa Jarshaa"
All of my family is here now.
From dawn to dusk' I write on my papers and I never get tired.
I told you in "Sabkon" that this job is mine.
We present to you a Hip-Hop family...
From the heart of Iran.
And for this alliance of love which will make the history...
We are all ready.
[(Chorus) Amir Bidad (Tehran)]
This is my soul, my language and my accent.
My breath, my Iran...
Runs through my chest like the air.
You're like the smell of the rain, passing through the Alley
You're in every breath of "Bidad" and you inherit every free soul.
People are stuck in the grip of geography.
Our time is short but god's patience has no limits.
The hook is in the hands of fake people, in the middle of this dark, missdirected age.
We were destroyed and they become rich.
Here's a couple of common problems...
Which leads to the fact that the first and the last of our enemies are ourselves.
If we look at the past...
We'll see the fact that our history is the one making our coffins.
We will be buried under A mountain of medals and They become our graves.
Under the weed that has grown on the grave, You can see the result of our actions.
This is where a man, innocent at the first glance,
An innocent, servant-looking guy,
And saved by the universe, becomes a ruthless king.
I'm a traveler, passing by the history...
In hope of getting to the end, without the burdens of the past... But It's impossible.
[Reza Pike (Golestan)]
I write my songs from the dusk till dawn and time passes by.
Shut up and find me a new paper!
I should write my words like the bullets and shoot them.
Where I live, young men don't sleep at night!
I'm a "Torkaman" and I'm like a wolf, waiting for my baits... So F**K OFF!
Welcome to "Torkaman"! The Wild land of "Golestan"
with jungles, gardens and the kind hearted people who have my back.
I present to you The "Torkaman" culture, as my voice echoes everywhere.
I trust myself. I move forward and you can only sit and watch.
[Solly (Khuzestan)]
My city runs through my heart.
Southern people of my country, from men to women and children, are famous for their bravery.
We all give our lives for our borders and our flag.
We drink to our men, "Ahvaz"'s nights and its palm trees.
My hopes and dreams are within you, my dear city.
I love you with my heart, my presious city.
[Ali Owj (Tehran)]
I'm like an energy bomb for my next generation.
I speak with my colorful words which come from my heart.
HipHop is popular movement in my city.
It's like an ingenuity which results in a warmth in my writings.
I'm like a Cobra and my world keeps getting darker.
I crawl into reallity, without noticing fear and the crisis.
learning from my lessons makes me think about relief.
I'm not looking for attention, so people call me a nobody.
[Tarin (Hormozgan)]
This is it, That's that, all of these are bullshit.
You stay far away and want me to do what you want.
Tell me, why do you insist on telling me what you have?
Your work is clichéd and pointless. The damage is done, it's too late.
I come from a unique and wonderful city, in the middle of Persian Gulf.
We opened the path for anyone who could not see.
"Tarin" is still on the hot ground, making some phenomenon constantly.
You hear my work. It's sick and one in a kind. Even thought you ran away [too soon to hear it]
[Parham Sezar (Gilan)]
All the great things we did were not accidental.
We may start a revolution just like the one that "Mirza" did.
We have always been at the forefront of culture and human rights.
And that's the reason they talk behind our backs.
We are "Gilak" and we worth as much as pure gold.
Wherever we walked, we rocked.
I come from the nations of "Gil" and "Deylam", from the heart of their jungles.
Our people do not kneel before anyone.
[Kooh'Gell (Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad)]
(Bakhtiyari Luri)
Here comes "Korzengeloo", a legend like "Rostam" or "Noah".
Sit there and call us the bandits of rap.
Nobody can force us to do something, specially a khan who doesn't even have a head.
Look, we come for peace and friendship.
But when the war begins, we come with stones, weapons and our native bombs.
HipHop riders, people of "Yasooj" make bullets out of words.
Don't say we messed up. I throw you down the mountain.
Hey, kido, it's clear that you are weak.
Don't lie to my face, or else I'll make cans of your head.
Soon, You will shout "Kooh'Gell" at the concert.
I rap with my nation's accent and it's gonna pass through Mazandaran's jungles.
Our goal is to establish peace and equality.
It doesn't matter if your pocket is empty or full of gold.
[Hamed Slash (Khorasan Razavi)]
I was born in "Toos" and my soal will always be connected to the heart of "Khorasan".
Just like "Rostam", I've came to fight superstition with courage.
In this situation, when the instruments bring color to the pale moment of breaking a heart...
If you see I'm away from home, consider this exile my worst punishment.
I'm drowning in wine and the sound of reeds comes from the valley.
The party is starting and the pain is going away, so let us wear the dress of love.
Rap should be the voice of our nation...
And break all the mirrors of the past.
That's when your bro, "Slash" comes to play and adds his signature to it.
[ATA (Semnan)]
I was born in a city that its streets have the smell of gentility.
In a dry province that its south ends in the desert.
A suburb full of civilization and culture...
Which has The Sands of "Jen", an extraordinary sight.
"Bayazid" and it's towers and castle...
It's jungles and the green gardens.
When I took the microphone in my hands...
I decided to say anything that goes in my mind.
From The Central Mosque of "Bastam" to The Hundred Gates of "Damghan".
That's all. We treat new people with hospitality.
People around my country are decent.
This is "Semnan", the dry and noble province.
[Fame (Kerman)]
My rap has become an attraction, If you wanna talk...
I'm here, in "Kerman", at the bottom of "Karmania".
It's based on "Ker" and "Kaman" (Arch/Arc/Bow).
The accent of our market people is original.
"Kerman" has many industries, such as handicrafts.
We have mines of pistachio which we call the green gold (Turquoise).
"Kalut Shahdad" is an attraction like desert.
My city is full of beautiful Buildings and engravings.
Let me tell you about that four months of captivity of Kermanian people by "Lotfali Khan Zand".
My lyrics are based on discussions...
It's based on art like "Khajoo Kermani".
The people of "Kerman" are warm blooded and hospitable.
The "Bam Citadel" of Kerman is two thousand years old.
I emphasize this... The "Bam Citadel" of Kerman is the greatest brick structure in the world.
And the earthquake destroyed the mud wall of this structure.2
[Sina Sae (Tehran)]
We don't know what to do.
All the roads in front of us are blocked.
The sky is black.
But I won't give up.
You can feel the tension.
The faces are grim.
There is a wall behind me.
But I won't give up.
Take a quick peek at this messed up situation.
Hip-Hop gives light to the darkness like the sun.
Holiness brought toxicity to the game
So we interact with our audience in the most common way.
The domain of this association is the intersection of poetry and thought.
Naturally, the foundation of this structure relies on love and hate.
Our power comes from accepting the criticism and criticizing the acceptance.
So as long as my mind makes it work, I greet the mobility.
[Gdaal (Tehran)]
The farther I went, the harder my roots became.
I saw with my own heart and eyes, and suddenly, writing became my profession.
These poems make gold out of anything and I tell you how.
I'm like the famous poet "Ferdosi" and Iran becomes alive with my Persian.
I look at the highway from the tower,
But it's not "Hemmat" highway, It's Toronto 401.
In the other side of the world, people get in line to see our performance...
One day, my hologram performs on stage in Tehran.
[Aria Ahir (Kermanshah)]
I live and rule the mountains and I shout that I am "Kurd".
My nation includes Jaf, Goran, Lak, Horam and Kalhor tribes and I'm brave.
I am the pillar of Dalahoo and my shadow is as wide as Paraw mountain.
I am happy and my soil is as precious to me as my eyes.
My life and soul is pure like water.
But my body is hard like a rock.
I'm ruthless to my nation's enemies.
I don't belong in a cage cause I am from the generation of fire.
I'm ready for war.
Fear is not in my nature, bro.
Horeh and Hoho is one of the rituals of the people of Kermanshah.
If you kill a thousand kings like Siavash,
I remain the true king and I will take my right.
I'm not a coward and that's my life's routine.
[Amin Zenith (Ilam)]
I'm a Kurd from Ilam and here, we empathize with each other.
If you don't harm my people, you won't get hurt.
We are brave. We are proud of ourselves and living like this is easy for us.
We are happy with time cause it removes our grief and sorrow.
Everyone helps each other here.
Honor flows like blood in our veins and we don't surrender our inner darkness.
My nation is full of experienced men who are ready for anything.
You'll be surprised by the amount of suffer they went through.
It's true that there is difficulty in our story and our wings are destroyed.
But we are happy with our 3000-year old history, which was full of wars and trophies.
With these things we feel good, just like our famous nature.
[Rhyman (Hamedan)]
My brothers, you hear my voice with some famous rappers.
Hamedan has been a city of ideology and the birthplace of honor for many years.
Hamedanians are hospitable. From Malayer to Kaboudar Ahang...
And from the underwold to the summit of Alvand, everyone is brave like a lion.
This is the city of "Diako" and "Azhi Dehak". So, know this...
What's remained from the Pahlavi language is like...
A tree which its roots originate from our past.
Indeed, this city should be blessed.
From its science branch, there are scientists like Abu Ali Sina.
And from its poetry branch, there are poets like Baba Taher Oryan.
Do you know anyone as great and powerful as people of this land?
If you have a question, just wait. We'll get to it soon.
The story of Hamedan never ends.
It's like a dragon scroll that does not fit in my poem.
[Kian (North Khorasan)]
Do you know where this place is?
Do you know who left us this land?
Come here and I'll tell you.
I'm from Kormanj nation.
I'm Changiz's adversory.
I dance with my problems.
From Belqeys Castle to Mofakham's Mirror House...
Go study about them and see who did what.
The prophet Job came from here.
Where do you come from?
Here lies the castle of Jamaladin Jajarmi.
Welcom to North Khorasan.
[Erfan (Isfehan)]
People ask me how I express my emotions at nights
Cause everywhere around the world , they see people memorizing my lyrics.
I was born in a city which is said to be half of the world.
This rap which you love, comes from our endless efforts.
(Erfan answers in Isfehani dialect)
He asks: "Is it true that Isfahanian people are stingy?"
I respond: "Have you paid any money for our music?"
He says: "You live abroad. You don't need my money cause you are rich."
- "If you really want it, you can achieve it too. Come and see for yourself."
Here comes all of Iran, not just Tehran, with any language and accent.
All of us come from Iran and everytime we stick together, we win.
We are guardians of the seas, deserts, jungles and mountains of this country.
We come from Iran's heart and blood and this keeps our poets's souls alive.
[Tawaar (Sistan and Baluchestan)]
Our homeland, whether it is like a withered tree...
Or any other way, is still beautiful.
This is the land of The Burned City, Mehrgan and Kalpoorgan.
The land of music, literature and poetry.
The love of "Hani and Shey Morid" flows in our hearts.
Our men gave their lives to protect this land.
Our women do their best to develop this land.
Our people use Tanbirag Instruments and are masters of needlework.
This is our symbol and identity, so listen carefully.
The fear has no place among us.
We are brave and we do what's right.
Love has never been and will never be separated from us.
[Amiralli Sniff (Fars)]
Hello, my brother. Come here and find us.
Find us as a signature on culture and civilization.
Cheer for us, bacause in Pasargadae, We are masters of avant-garde.
Our Perspolis and Tomb is famous.
This is the city that's called Fars.
Speech, thought, action, dignity.
Here lies our poet, Hafez...
And Cyrus and his charter are priceless.
We drew the pride of every Aryan with his/her mental image.
We come from Fars, Achum, Ghashgha and Khamse.
We are said to be the masters of honor and our words are unified on the beats.
We know how to act based on our assumptions.
We are the cultural capital... We are the landmark
[Hossein Ghadimi (Bushehr)]
I'm from the generation of the sun and the brave men of Tangestan.
Reis Ali Delvari, Lian and the palm trees.
I enjoy the sound of Fayez and Dashti.
Wherever you search, you see the footsteps of honorable men on my land. Rap calms me down and I keep doin' it.
Listen to me and pay attention to the music playing in your ears.
There were nights that I couldn't sleep.
But all of this suffering ended up being a tool for victory.
Get off me dude, I murdered the beat by my words!
[Mahan (Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari)]
(Bakhtiyari Luri)
Reza Khan Babadi, Wish you were here to see your grandson rapping the shit out of this!
When I wasn't present, people used Tashmal instrument and didn't know who I am.
Zagros and Alborz are my home and my heart belongs to Iran.
We know the war, our weapons are ready and you have no chance to win.
Look at me. My tribe has my back. I killed my conscience in the name of honor.
We gave blood to the soil for the flower to grow. They can't give my land as a ransom.
We went to war and seized this land.
You know, we miss our land but in order to keep our country safe, we sacrifice our lives.
So feast and sing, I love you Bakhtiarian people.
[Milad Hanibal (Kurdistan)]
Rumi, HipHop is amazed by the lyrics of "Nali".
You are so disgraced that you gave in to humiliation.
You are confronting a wounded lion? Great!
These herds of jackals are not safe from the lion's claws.
I won't be satisfied with less. Şêrko Bêkes cared about all of the people in his lyrics.
Salahuddin's lineage does not bow even in the face of death.
I searched every corner of HipHop culture.
This Marivan's Kurd is the pride of Kurdestan.
You should stick to your family, boy.
It's better to know your place and f**ck off!
Cause I'm a guy who, if it's needed...
Hunt down all of the hunters.
[Adnaan Warmachine (Ardabil)]
This is Ardebil! Respect my hometown!
This is the generation of Sheykh Safi and Yahyavi.
This is where the Chaldoran Wars took place. Stand by the name of Babak!
Bang bang bang, We are men of war.
In my city, every soul flies away by the bullets.
Warmachine! It's in your mind! We give blood for honor.
Here, I'm like firewood, giving warmth to our winters.
I'm ready for war, even if I'm empty handed.
This is my flow, delicious like our local food.
The microphone is in my hands, sod off!
[Mehran Yasa (Yazd)]
Come here and listen to me.
See who is raised from this soil.
I always move forward and I'm not gonna stop.
I love my city's muddy alleis and clay domes.
If your work is done, come here and enjoy it.
I'm a champion from Yazd and I'm not fooling around.
I stand still in the face of storms.
I will always stay lit like the fire of Zoroastrians.
Iranian people are kind and decent and I'm one of them.
[Artam Hoomat (South Khorasan)]
I'm ready and nothing can stop me.
I don't want to waste time.
More poisonous than a scorpion, I come from far away.
I'm here to tell you our history and the suffering we faced.
If you don't believe me, ask Naser Khosro! You'll be surprised.
We pick our own saffron.
We dig wells due to the lack of water.
We talk about Ghahestan. We don't give up.
We never surrender.
We won't sweet-talk anybody to get a promotion.
I don't prefer anywhere to the south of Khorasan.
[Arash Enotro Araxsch (Qazvin)]
I'm from the tribe of Mir Emad, Dehkhoda and Ghorat Al Eyn.
Some people wave the flag of this old city in my name.
You kidos better watch out! If you try to harm my city in any way...
I punch him in such a way that he bleeds to death!
No matter how much my sad heart misses my hometown...
Everywhere I go, I smell the aroma of familiarity which runs through my city, Ghazvin.
My city, I can't do it without you cause my existence is originated from you.
When I'm gone, I hope to become Zakani of my next generation.
[Rez (Tehran)]
No water can quench my thirst.
I want the mountain's juice, "Damavand" and the snows on the peak of it.
It's roots extend from the south of "Yazd" to the northeast of the country.
I was born in "Tehran" and now, I live in the western half of Tehran.
I walked down the path by honesty and my glance is as pure as the green.
I was searching inside of myself to find us.
It's the unity of existence which is passing through the moments.
And the result is the love that flows through the voice.
[Saeed Ajdar (Alborz)]
Years pass and we create this amazing culture.
You know, From the very first moment, everyone has a story...
In every track, with every act, from begining to destination.
Or it could be the other way around.
Our voices has spread in every city.
And these flows are synchronized on each beat.
The secrets of engraving these words are limitless.
It's like dancing to the rhythms. Graffity, Beatbox.
There is no fear in our blood.
Hip-Hop's like a family to us.
[Reza Monji (Qom)]
This is Qom, the birthplace of revolutionary changes.
Here lies the great poem, Parvin Etesami and Fatima Masumeh Shrine.
Sheykh Abas Ghomi and Sheykh Sadogh are our legends.
Khansari, Ghom has become the Shiite center, bacause of Jamkarān.
The name of Labchal neighborhood hits hard in the face of the colonists.
Giv and Goodarz will remain in the hearts of my people forever
Take a look at The Holy Shrine.
Observe the village of Qomrud.
If you come to Qom, you should try its Sohan.
[Siavash Alijenab (Markazi)]
Observe the center of Iran. We're in Sultanabad and the team is here.
We have everything we want. Let's hear from my city's elders.
Ganjavi was one of my city's artist. We have no flaws.
My hometown's elders are Professor Hesabi and Amir Kabir.
There’s life in the old dog yet! I'm like a bomb and my city is my detonator.
The moment I became satisfied with my life, everything went wrong.
But that's ok! I'm still on my feet and I won't give up.
I'm from Markazi. I roar like a lion. You shoul know Zabih Zamani from my town.
[Behnam Torkan (Zanjan)]
Greetings to Zanjan, land of the kings.
Has anyone other than me paid the price for honor and honesty?
My city is the birthplace of Jafari, Monzavi and Sohravardi.
I dive in HipHop rhythms. Zanjan's rap is originated from me.
It's a pity. They were deaf, blind and dumb for asking me to write this.
Many people tried hard to do this job but eventually failed and gave up.
They gave up their dreams.
[Fardin (West Azerbaijan)]
But as long as I live, I have no fear to be caught or face suffering along the way.
It's time to change and make up your mind.
I make my own sounds and waves from the underground.
My voice is like a bullet, firing at the dirty mind of society.
They caught us, made us a nobody and fade away.
They chained our hands and feet.
But we are real warriors. We are Kurds in the Middle East.
In fact, we are a common feeling with several different languages ​​or accents.
Ahh, "Ashi Kagan" killed the beat...
[Ashkan Kagan (Mazandaran)]
  • 1. Read the caption of this translation first
  • 2. Possibly this line is a shout-out to those who ignore taking care of such ancient cultural landmark and legacies leading to their destruction over time.
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Συλλογές με "خانوادگی۲"
Idioms from "خانوادگی۲"