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  • Nelly Omar

    Me cuesta creer → Αγγλικά μετάφραση

Μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς
Πρωτότυποι στίχοι
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Me cuesta creer

Yo soy como siempre, yo nunca cambié,
mi ropa es la de antes, mi vida también.
Por eso, de pronto, me cuesta creer
que seas la misma, la misma de ayer.
Parece mentira que todo de un golpe se pueda romper,
Parece mentira que el sueño más puro nos quiebre la fe,
Te miro y no sé, me cuesta creer,
que seas la misma que quise una vez.
Son tus ojos, dos luceros,
dos abrojos hechiceros,
dos abrojos de luz que se queman
en la noche de mi corazón.
Son mis penas cien tormentas.
Son mis penas cien condenas,
cien condenas de horror que encadenan
mi vida perdida detrás de tu amor.
Tu calle es la misma, tu esquina también,
las noches del barrio, las mismas de ayer.
La luna es la misma que vimos los dos,
colgada en la punta de aquel callejón.
Si todo es como antes, si nada ha cambiado, si todo es igual,
parece mentira que sólo tu vida pudiera cambiar.
Te miro y no sé, me cuesta creer,
que seas la misma que quise una vez.
Tango vals
Música: Francisco Canaro
Letra: Homero Manzi

It's hard to believe

I am as I always was, I never changed,
my clothes are the same as before, and my life as well.
That's why, suddenly, it's hard to believe
that you could be the same, the same as yesterday.
It seems impossible that everything could be broken with one stroke.
It seems impossible that the most pure dream would break our faith,
I look at you and I don't know, it's hard to believe
that you are the same that once I loved.
Your eyes are two bright stars,
two bewitching thistles,
two light thistles that burn up
in the night of my heart.
Is my sorrow one hundred storms
Is my sorrow one hundred condemnations,
one hundred horrid condemnesions that chain
my life, lost after your love
Your street is the same, your corner as well,
the neiborhood's nights, the same as yesterday.
The moon is the same that we both saw,
hanging at the end or that lane. .
If all is like it was, if nothing has changed, if all is the same
it seems impossible that only your life could change.
I look at you and I don't know, it's hard to believe
that you are the same that once I loved.
Tango waltz
Music: Francisco Canaro
Lyrics: Homero Manzi
Nelly Omar: Κορυφαία 3
roster 31roster 31
   Τετ, 20/04/2022 - 11:14

Gracias, Andrea. No recordaba esta bonita cancion.

(Esta maquina me esta dando problemas con los acentos.)