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متلك مش عايزين رجال

نحنا في عنّا شباب
منعتّز بثقافتها
بتفهم شو يعني شهادات
وبتعرف شو قيمتها
هنّي بيحبو البنات
بذكاها وحنّيتها
متلك مش عايزين رجال
همّا حالا وشهوتها
نحنا ما بدنا ولا شب
من عصر الجاهليّة
يجي يتحكم فينا
ويسميها رجوليّة
يقعدني قبالو بالبيت
صبح وظهر وعشيّة
ويقلّي ما عندك شي
إلّا تهتمّي فيّة
عندي مركز عندي شغل
و ع قد المسؤوليّة
ما بيقدر ميّة مدير
بنظرة يتطّلع فيّة
حاجة تربحني جميلة
وانك خيفان عليّة
هاي مش قوة يا شاطر
هيدي ضعف وانانيّة
شو هالتخلف والجهل
واستعباد الحرية
عندي بي وام واهل
ربوني ووثقوا فية
بعرف دافع عن حالي
ولو كانوا قبالي مية
هاي مشكلتك اذا حبيت
بنت ضعيفة وغبية

We don't want ones like you

We have young men among us
In whose sophistication we take pride
They know what diplomas are
And they know what they’re worth
They are ones who love girls
For their intelligence and tenderness
We don’t want men like you
Who only care for themselves and their lust
We don’t want a guy
From the dark ages
Who comes to dominate us
And calls that manhood
Who sits me down in the house in front of him
In the morning, noon and evening
And says to me: You have to do nothing
But care for me
[see above]
I have a job, I have work
And a position of responsability
There are not a hundred bosses
Who can take a look at me
You must stop feigning
That you’re concerned about me
This isn’t strength, my friend
This is weakness and selfishness
[see above]
What’s this backwardness and ignorance about?
And this suppression of freedom?
I have a father, a mother and a family
Who brought me up and had faith in me
I know the incentive of my way
Even if a hundred were against me
It’s your problem if you desire
A weak and stupid girl
bitjenninbitjennin    Τρί, 11/12/2018 - 12:44

Thank you so much for this translation. Can you explain why they use the feminine singular when talking about men in the first verse? Are they implying that these men are not human, or what?

Samir KaramSamir Karam    Τετ, 24/04/2019 - 19:49

No. That's normal grammar. In Lebanese dialect you often use feminine singular with words like "nas" (people), "shabab" (youths), "rjal" (men), etc., when they refer to a group of people in general. Actually, I think that's even possible in standard Arabic.

Samir KaramSamir Karam    Τετ, 24/04/2019 - 19:51

There's a slight mistake in the line "ba3rif défe3 3an 7ali", which actually means "I know how to defend myself". The rest seems fine.