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  • Slavica Ćukteraš

    Metar Ispod Zemlje → Αγγλικά μετάφραση

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Metar Ispod Zemlje

Sa najlepsim nocas izlazim
zovem da ti prva javim to
uspela sam da te prebolim
sad sam ona stara ponovo
Nasu pricu sa njim nastavljam
stari osmeh sam na lice vratila
gresila sam, znam, najstrasnije
za sve ludom glavom platila
Metar ispod zemlje ja zbog tebe bila sam
al' nocas za tvoje oci setam s najboljim
da se pitas, ako tebi nisam valjala
cime onda njega zavodim
Metar ispod zemlje ja zbog tebe bila sam
al' nocas u inat mislim samo na sebe
da se pitas, ako tebi nisam valjala
kako valjam boljem od tebe
Zaljubljenu opet vidis me
dok pred svima ljubim se sa njim
bacila sam s tobom godina
vreme mi je da te promenim

A Metre Below The Ground

I'm going out with the most handsome guy tonight
I'm calling you to be the first one to tell you it
I succeeded to get over you
Now I'm the old me again
I'm continuing our story with him
I've put my old smile back on my face
I know I've made mistakes, the worst
I've payed for it all
I was a metre below the ground because of you
But tonight before your eyes I'm walking with the best guy
So you'll ask yourself, if I wasn't good for you
With what am I seducing him then
I was a metre below the ground because of you
But in spite I'm only thinking of myself tonight
So you'll ask yourself, if I wasn't worthy for you
How come I'm worthy to someone better than you
You see me in love again
While I'm kissing with him in front of everyone
I wasted my years with you
It's time for me to replace you
Slavica Ćukteraš: Κορυφαία 3