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Nisam romantičan, nisam ni običan.
Ponekad pomeren, al' uvek odmeren.
Za mene lik si ti, pa nek se čude svi.
Ne slušam priče te, ja znam te najbolje.
REF. 2x
Kad si sa mnom ti,
ja hoću da poludim.
Kad ležem lepo mi
i kad se s' tobom budim,
I zavisna sam, već
bez tebe ja nisam ja.
Pesma je svaka tvoja reč,
a život s tobom - muzika.
Ponekad malo lud, al' nikad nisam grub.
Dobar k'o dobar dan, al' nikad prosečan.
Za mene lik si ti, pa nek se čude svi.
Ne slušam priče te, ja znam te najbolje.
Ref. 3x


I'm not romantic, nor ordinary
Sometimes I move, but I always measure
You're the type for me, so let everyone wonder
I don't listen to those stories, I know you the best
Ref: 2x
When you're with me, I want to go crazy
When I lie down it's nice for me even when I wake up with you
And I'm already dependend without you, I'm not myself
A song is your every word, a life with you is music
Sometimes a bit crazy, but I'm never rude
As good as a good day, but never average
You're the type for me, so let everyone wonder
I don't listen to those stories, I know you the best
Ref. 3x
Dejan Matić: Κορυφαία 3