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Ne brini

U postelju našu leći ću, još ovog puta
I pustiću dušu tvoju, neka dalje luta
Da potraži, što izgubio si sa mnom davno
I nastavi život slobodno i nesputano
Na usnama led mi kopni, ko da nisam živa
Ne, ne krivim uvijek tebe, znam, i ja sam kriva za tišinu
Što prešutjeli smo, sad nas stiže
Kad riječi nam zvuče nikad praznije i tiše
Znam da mi sve to govori
Kako nema za nas bolje sutra, vidiš to i ti
Neću ti ruke vezati
Za mene ne brini, za mene ne brini
Pronađi mir, pored mene ti ga nemaš više
I usreći drugo srce, moje jedva diše
Nek boli me, molim Boga da mi razum vrati
Da sačuvam zdravu pamet i da tebe shvatim

Don't Worry

I'll lay in our bed once more
And I'll let your soul go, may it wander far away
To find what you have lost with me long ago
And and to continue a free and unfettered life
The ice is fading on my lips, like I'm not alive
No, I don't always blame you, I know, it's also my fault for the quietness
Why we kept quiet, now it's coming to us
When the words could never sound more empty and quiet
I know that everyone's telling me that
How there's not a better tomorrow for us, you also see that
I won't tie your hands
Don't worry about me, don't worry about me
Find peace, you don't have it beside me anymore
And make another heart happy, mine's barely breathing
Let it hurt me, I'm begging God to give me back my mind
To protect my healthy mind and to understand you
Maya Sar: Κορυφαία 3