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心裡願望 [Arabian nights]

我故鄉 在遠方 那一邊 住滿的 是旅客 也有貨商 駱駝
住滿都 是惡徒 知否你 若做錯 班惡爺同你無情講
紅日照 迎面晒 離別野 蠻地帶 誰願意留在這荒漠
決心奔往他方 那朝可又再闖 實在令人人也渴望
誰人伴我闖 眼亦看著前方
行到汗流乾 終找到這方 我願停著看
誰人伴我闖 晚上對著月光
人似在遙方 如今可接觸 這心裡願望

A Heart's Inner Desire

My old village is a faraway place. On that side, quite a few are travelers. There are also cargo camels.
It's packed with villains watching for if you seem to have made a mistake. Those villains, same as you, know not enough to say.
The light of the glowing red sun, right in your face, departs from the open sands. A savage belt of land, Who is willing to remain in this barren desert?
With determination to hurry to another place, the morning is able to again and again charge forth. In truth, even now, everybody is longing as well.
Who is with me? Eyes looking forward,
walking, sweat flowing in vain, in the end finding this place I wish to stop and see.
Who is with me? The evening facing the moon,
A person who seems far away is now to be able to be reached; the heart's inner desire.