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その時の僕らはといえば ビルの屋上で空を眺めているばかり
バイトを抜け出し 汗と埃にまみれた 取り留めのない夢物語
互いに抱えてるはずの ちゃちな不安は 決して口には出さない約束
中央線が高架橋の上で おもちゃみたいに カタカタ なった
なぁ 結局僕らは正しかったのかな? あんなに意地になって
間違ってなんかいないって やれば出来るって
千川通りで轢かれていた カラスの遺体みたい 痛い 痛い
ふざけんな ここで終わりになんかすんな 僕等の旅を「青春」なんて 名づけて過去にすんな
遠ざかる足音に取り残された 悔し涙は絶対忘れないよ
踏みつけられたフライヤー拾い集める 代々木公園も気付けば春だった
苦笑いの僕等 舞い落ちる
日当たりが悪くなるから 窓の外にある大きな木が嫌いだった
春になって 花をつけるまで 僕はその木が 嫌いだったんだ
今になってはどうでもいい話だけれど なんかちょっとだけ後悔してるんだ
ほんとにどうでもいい話だったかな ごめんな
駅前のロータリー 夕焼けが悲しい訳を ずっと 考えていたんだ
終わるのが悲しいか それとも始まるのが悲しいか 街灯がそろそろと灯りだした
つまりは 終わりも始まりも同じなんだ だったらこの涙に用はない さっさと 失せろ
胸がいてーよ いてーよ
一人の部屋に 春一番の迷子 二人で選んだカーテンが揺れてます
どうせなら 荷物と一緒に この虚しさも運び出してくれりゃ良かったのに
何もなかったように僕は努める 最後に君が干してった洗濯物
なんでもなく 張り付いた
過ぎ去った人と 新しく出会う人 終わりと始まりで物語りは進む
だとしたら それに伴った悲しみさえ 生きていく上でのルールだから
投げ捨ててきた涙拾い集めて 今年も気付けば春だった
僕は 歌う 歌う 歌う
さくら さくら 今でも さくら さく 消えない
さくら さくら 僕等の さくら さく 物語

Cherry blossoms

If you were to talk about how we were back then, all we did was gaze at the sky from the rooftops, cutting out of work early, covered in sweat and dust, rambling on about our whimsical pipe dreams.
Our shoddy insecurities which we surely both carry along, we promised that we would never tell them to anyone else.
The Central Line, on top an elevated bridge, almost like a toy, rattled along.
Y'know, I wonder, were we right in the end?
The way we were so obstinate?
Saying ''I'm not wrong at all!'' or ''I could do it, if I tried!''?
We bit our lips, and we groveled through each night, and in that darkness came a cry like an indescribable sobbing.
It was like a raven's corpse flattened on Route 439. It hurts. It hurts.
Stop kidding around! Don't make this the end!
Don't turn this journey of ours into the past by calling it ''our youth''.
We were left behind by nothing but the sound of fading footsteps, and we absolutely will not forget those frustrating tears.
We gathered up all of my trampled concert fliers, and before we knew it, it was springtime in Yoyogi Park.
And we were laughing with strained smiles. And they came fluttering down: the cherry blossoms.
Since the sunlight started to get worse, I hated the big tree growing just outside my window.
After spring came around, and until it grew its flowers, I hated that tree, you know.
I guess by know this is kind of a pointless thing to talk about, but I kind of regret it, just a little...
That was really a pointless story, wasn't it? Sorry...
The sunset at the traffic circle in front of the station, I always used to wonder about why it feels so sad.
Is it sad because it ends? Or rather, is it sad because it begins?
But the streetlights gradually started to flicker on, so basically, the ending and the beginning were both the same.
If that's true, then I have no use for these tears. So, hurry up! Get lost!
But my chest still hurts. It hurts!
The stray winds of the first springtime storm blow into a room for one, and the curtains that we picked out together sway in their breeze.
While you were at it, along with your suitcases, I wish you had carried away this emptiness too.
But as if nothing had happened, I started working, and took down the last load of laundry that you set out to dry.
And harmlessly stuck onto them were cherry blossoms.
People that go away forever and people that you meet for the first time; through endings and beginnings, the story keeps going.
If that's the case, then even the sadness which accompanies them is a rule that I have to follow to keep on living.
I gathered up all of my cast aside tears, and before I knew it, it was springtime this year too.
And so I'll sing. I'll sing. I'll sing.
Cherry blossoms! Cherry blossoms! Even now, cherry blossoms are blooming, and they won't disappear.
Cherry blossoms! Cherry blossoms! This right now is story of our cherry blossoms blooming.
Cherry blossoms! Cherry blossoms! Even now, cherry blossoms are blooming, and they won't disappear.
Cherry blossoms! Cherry blossoms! This right now is story of our cherry blossoms blooming.