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Песня про зайцев (Pesnya prо zaitsev)

В тёмно-синем лесу
Где трепещут осины,
Где с дубов-колдунов
Облетает листва,
На поляне траву
Зайцы в полночь косили
И при этом напевали
Странные слова:
А нам всё равно,
А нам всё равно,
Пусть боимся мы
Волка и сову,
Дело есть у нас —
В самый жуткий час
Мы волшебную
Косим трын-траву.
А дубы-колдуны
Что-то шепчут в тумане,
У поганых болот
Чьи-то тени встают.
Косят зайцы траву,
Трын-траву на поляне
И от страха всё быстрее
Песенку поют:
А нам всё равно,
А нам всё равно,
Пусть боимся мы
Волка и сову,
Дело есть у нас —
В самый жуткий час
Мы волшебную
Косим трын-траву.
А нам всё равно,
А нам всё равно,
Твёрдо верим мы
В древнюю молву:
"Храбрым станет тот,
Кто три раза в год
В самый жуткий час
Косит трын-траву."
А нам всё равно,
А нам всё равно,
Станем мы храбрей
И отважней льва !
Устоим хоть раз
В самый жуткий час --
Все напасти нам
Будут - "трын-трава"!

The Bunnies' Song

{Spoken: "And yes, this happened..."}
In the dark blue forest,
where the magic oak and elm trees
are shaking loose their acorns
and losing all their leaves,
the bunnies are hacking
at the lawn
and as they do,
sing this strange song...
No, no, we don't care.
No, no, we don't care
though we're frightened and perplexed
of possible owl attacks.
It's our dutiful plight
in the bleakest times of night,
we bunnies are strangely hexed
by this magic grass.
Throughout the forest's fog,
the oaks quietly hushed
that shadows are rising up
from the swampy mush.
But in the field the hares
drudging right along
kept hacking ever quickly,
singing their strange song.
No, no, we don't care.
No, no, we don't care
though we're afraid and awfully amiss
of possible wolf attacks.
It's our dutiful plight
in the bleakest times of night,
we hares are so bewitched
by this magic grass.
No, no, we don't care.
No, no, we don't care
Of course we believe
the tales of magic trees.
"Bravery comes only to those
who three times a year
puts aside their fear
and hack these magic weeds."
No, no, we don't care.
No, no, we don't care
We won't be afraid -
be lions oh so brave.
At least once we must try
in the bleakest times of night,
It'll be our doom at last,
this hexed magic grass.
SchnurrbratSchnurrbrat    Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 16:41
Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 16:43

Well that was a problem with the song. Not knowing Russian fluently (of course), I thought that "cutting hay" was a synonym for bunnies "gnawing at the grass". If it's not, and it's literally that rabbits are cutting down a lawn with a scythe, the best I can do is say something like "we bunnies are hacking at the grass". We really don't use scythes anymore, and even when talking about our mythical character called "DEATH" - a skeleton who wears a black cloak and carries a scythe, when I say the word "scythe" even within this context, many Americans don't know what I'm talking about.

"We bunnies are hacking AT the grass." means they're chopping it down with something. Nowadays, it would normally be a "HO". There are a LOT of "HO" jokes, because the gardening tool called a "HO" is something rather uncommon in modern speech. But, the short term for "whore" is also "ho". So, you can imagine all the jokes we have about stupid country farmers going to a big city trying to buy a "ho", and getting arrested for "soliciting a prostitute."

Back to the line "hacking at the grass". If you change one word and make it "hacking from the grass", that would mean "coughing from marijuana smoke." I just couldn't find a way to work it into the song. LOL

PinchusPinchus    Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 16:45

Хитрый Фил назвался не русским и снял с себя всю ответственность. А мы ему только российский паспорт выдали под номером 2 (номер 1 успел перехватить Депардье)

MichaelNaMichaelNa    Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 18:09
Phil Ambro wrote:

...when I say the word "scythe" even within this context, many Americans don't know what I'm talking about. "We bunnies are hacking AT the grass." means they're chopping it down with something. Nowadays, it would normally be a "HO". There are a LOT of "HO" jokes, because the gardening tool called a "HO" is something rather uncommon in modern speech. But, the short term for "whore" is also "ho". So, you can imagine all the jokes we have about stupid country farmers going to a big city trying to buy a "ho", and getting arrested for "soliciting a prostitute."

I hope you don’t get offended but, please, stop making statements as though you are the voice of America, especially when you are really talking about yourself. I live in North America and I know that a scythe is an implement for cutting i. e. used to cut wheat, hay etc and a “hoe”, not a “HO”, is an implement for digging, like digging out weeds from the roots whereas you seem to think that there is not much difference between the two.

SchnurrbratSchnurrbrat    Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 18:26

Evidence of scything in Northern America:  :D

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 18:27

Oh yes!!! Very much evident. She just scythed me in two.

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 18:40

I'm not offended. LOL. However, I do hope everyone realizes that my comments are from my perspective. I didn't ever say "ALL Americans". I said, "many" Americans. And, I would like to point out that I too know what a scythe is (even though I misspell it quite often). Still, I do stand by my statement. I am college educated (and it's obvious that you are too). However, there are "many" Americans who are not, and they don't know many words that more educated people use. That's one reason why President Trump is so very popular among the less educated. He never uses words that a third grade child would not understand. So, I will point out that MY VIEWS ARE ONLY MY VIEWS. But, such a statement really shouldn't be necessary MichelNa. Obviously I don't speak for all Americans. No one can do that, not even President Trump. As for misspelling "hoe". That just goes to show how uncommon that gardening device is. I don't even own one. I do know how to spell "shovel", everyone has one of those! We need them to dig through all the crap we hear from others. In this case, I guess the crap was dropped by me. Sorry about that. :/

Oh, and as for "HO". It's really not a word, it's just a contraction for "whore" within certain dialects. Being that it's not an accepted word, I doubt anyone would find it in a dictionary, unless the definition would be "What Santa Claus says during his sleigh ride on Christmas."

PinchusPinchus    Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 16:37

Похоже, песня про зайцев скоро нагонит Yesterday по числу переводов. Кстати сказать, в "Бриллиантовой руке" была еще как минимум одна песня, достойная перевода.

AntonWinterAntonWinter    Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 16:49

пока лидером по количеству переводов является "ECHO" вокалоидов
ну и среди к-попа чего-нибудь найдется

SchnurrbratSchnurrbrat    Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 17:04
PinchusPinchus    Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 16:43

Вот именно, даже две!
Спасибо Филу, что вернул зайцев. Зайцы не кролики. Кто-нибудь видел лесных зайцев? Это огромный страшный зверь размером с медвежонка. Отметки от зубов на деревьях где-то на уровне груди. А с болгарским зайцем не станет связываться даже черный болгарский кабан (черный вьетнамский кабан, впрочем, может).

Phil AmbroPhil Ambro
   Δευ, 13/05/2019 - 04:27

{Previous post deleted} Yes! I can watch the whole movie on YouTube!

PinchusPinchus    Παρ, 10/05/2019 - 18:16

Which movie? Monte Python? I can see it, no problem.
May be banned by bunnies?

sandringsandring    Σάβ, 11/05/2019 - 08:53

The source lyrics have been reformated to avoid the run-on lines in the translations. It'll facilitate reading the singables. Please review your translation. Thank you :)