
Ημ. Εγγραφής:
Ανώτερο μέλος
19 μεταφράσεις, 423 τραγούδια, δέχθηκε 1059 ευχαριστίες, ικανοποίησε 10 αιτήματα βοήθησε 9 μέλη, πρόσθεσε 418 τραγούδια, πρόσθεσε 1 ιδιωματισμό, εξήγησε 3 ιδιωματισμούς, άφησε 605 σχόλια, πρόσθεσε 3 παρατηρήσεις
Λίγα λόγια για μένα

Navalny's message to Russians, from the 2022 documentary, in Russian with English subtitles


Даже самый тупой идиот может разрушить, опустошить, уничтожить.

Хороший лидер создает процветание, мир и свободу для людей своей страны.

Плохой лидер создает бедность, войну и угнетение для людей своей страны.

Instead of protecting the Russian people from terrorists (FSB busy spying on innocents instead of finding domestic terrorists; it took emergency personnel and police OVER AN HOUR to reach the concert hall), Putler abuses the horrific act to introduce the death penalty, to send more Russians to death in his invasion war with a new mobilization order, to jail even more opponents as suspects, to further oppress the Russian people by brutal measures.
Владимир Путин - эта жёсткая рука, начнёт нас очень быстро душить

How do you know if Putler lies?
His lips are moving.
And for all the people who believe his lies:
Putler invaded Ukraine, a sovereign country, like Hitler invaded Poland. Neither Ukraine nor any other sovereign country "belong" to Rasha Parasha. Putler has all the markings of a psychopath, he is a pathological liar, a thief, a criminal, and a mass murderer. That is all. And that explains everything he does. He will die in his golden shithole, surrounded by the money he stole from the Russian people, while they live in poverty. He will meet his maker soon. It will be warm there.

Rest in peace, Alexej Navalny. Even in prison, your voice was too powerful for Putler's ears. You thought that Russia was actually a democracy and that Putler's terror regime could be changed by elections. Maybe people (the real people, not the braindead Zombies) see Putler now for what he really is. That he is stealing their freedom, their happiness, and their lives, and the lives of their children and childrens' children.
Navalny wanted freedom and prosperity for his country. He wanted to rid his country of the killers who exploit the Russian people.
Putler will kill anybody who threatens his position.
Putler's terror regime arrests Russians who lay down flowers to mourn Navalny.

Помни, старик, что ты тоже умрешь.
And all your money won't another minute buy.

Горе тем, которые зло называют добром, и добро - злом, тьму почитают светом, и свет - тьмою.
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness.
For Putler, killing is good. So be good to him.

Putler is flailing. He looks old and sick on TV. He knows his time is running out. And like his beloved role model Stalin, he is getting crazier by the minute, killing the people around him. And his former friends and allies are turning against him, like Prigoshin, and he kills them. Soon they will take care of him.
While Putler is preparing to attack Ukraine, the ghost of his beloved role model Stalin appears, and Putler asks him for advice: "Dear Tovarishch Butcher, why are things not going my way? Pls give me some of your experienced advice as a crazy dictator!" Stalin says: "Well, first send 5 million Russians to die an excruciating death in an unjust war, and then paint the Kremlin blue." - "Why blue?", asks Putler. Stalin giggles: "I knew you wouldn't have a problem with the first part."
В то время как Путлер готовится к нападению на Украину, появляется призрак его любимого примера для подражания - Сталина, и Путлер просит у него совета: "Дорогой Товарищ Мясник, почему все идет не так, как я хочу? Дайте мне, пожалуйста, несколько советов как сумасшедший диктатор!" Сталин отвечает: "Ну, сначала отправь 5 миллионов русских на мучительную смерть в несправедливой войне, а потом покрась Кремль в синий цвет." - "Почему в синий?", спрашивает Путлер. Сталин хихикает: "Я знал, что у вас не будет проблем с первой частью."

Десять двойников Путина называются вместе. "Есть хорошие и плохие новости. На Путина было совершено покушение, и он выжил." - "А плохие новости?" - "Он потерял руку."

Путин говорит врачу: "Я не могу спать." - Доктор: "Ничего удивительного, зло никогда не спит."

Путин: "Представляете, в юности я хотел стать разбойником!". Слушатель: "Счастливчик! Кто может исполнить свою детскую мечту!"

Путин спрашивает у гадалки: "Что произойдет в ближайшем будущем?" Она: "Я вижу, как вы едете в лимузине сквозь толпу, люди счастливы, обнимают друг друга и прыгают от радости." Путин: "Я им машу?" Она: "Нет, гроб закрыт."

Donald and Vlad - two old men on the verge of death, so angry that they have to die soon that they want the whole world to die with them. Put them in an asylum and let them act out their senile fantasies in a padded room.

Популярная Российская телевизионная программа "Сказочный час с дедушкой Владимиром"
Popular Russian television program "Fairy Tale Hour with Grandpa Vladimir"

There are no elections in Rasha. You can only "choose" one "candidate". And whether you choose him or not, he will call himself elected leader. At this time, everybody should have realized it: In a dictatorship, there can only be one. Don't be sad, other "candidates", you never stood a chance. Putler's courts will not reverse their decision. Stop believing his lies. Refuse to go to the fake elections. He will still say the whole of Russia stands behind him. And he will use it to further send your sons and husbands to die in his endless wars. He will use the enormous amounts of money (40 million Euro per day!!!) Russia earns every single day from selling gas for himself, and not for the Russian people it belongs to. There is only one end to a dictator, and it's not fake elections.

Wish for X-Mas
All terrorists will spontaneously combust
And the world will at once be filled with light, warmth and peace

С Рождеством!
Putler's wish to Russian men and women for X-Mas:
Give me your precious sons, your beloved husbands, your dear brothers as X-Mas gift to die in Ukraine and in one of my future wars! I have a lot of wars in store, and I need so many of them as cannon fodder! They will die for my greed and megalomania! What do you say? You say that I promised that your sons and husbands will not have to fight? Come on, you should know me by now! Merry X-mas, we will pay for their funerals - I promise!
Vladimir Putin reiterated the principled position of rejecting and condemning terrorism in all of its manifestations. "Along with that, it is extremely important to ensure that efforts against terrorist threats do not entail such severe consequences for the civilian population" - if this were true, Putler would have to kill himself - biggest terrorist gone and civilians safe!

No child should have to experience war

God started with Prigoshin. It's okay, God. But please take the other guy too.

No matter how many of his critics Putler puts in jail, how many lives he ruins, how many children he kills, it won't give him one more day to live. Soon he will die. Good riddance.

Why do Putler and his consorts get buried twice as deep as normal people?
Cause deep down they're good guys.

Russia claims a drone hit a russian train station. Independent sources now claim it was Luna-25.

And now Medwedew is announcing nuclear war

Последние новости: Спецоперация сейчас проходит на российской земле
Prigoshin and Putin - Himmler and Hitler
Obelix knew: They are crazy, those Russians!
And they're friends again, only one day in and all charges have been dropped, all threats have been recanted - the suspected goal of the whole shenanigans was to prepare the Russian people for total war - the full general mobilization of all Russian men, as Prigoshin has always demanded in public as Putin's voice, so that Putin could always publicly deny it.

Rasha - Schweinisch Raschisten-Reich

Vladolf Putler's life achievement: an empire of shit

Two things are infinite: the universe and Putin's lies; and I'm not sure about the universe.
Здохнуть хай всі, дай Бог
Орки усі, дай Бог
Путіна вб'ють, дай Бог

Росія вбиває все живе
Z is for ZOMBIES
There is no opposition in an autocratic terrorist regime
Wer Parteien wählt, die Putler unterstützen und seine widerwärtigen Verbrechen gegen die Menschen in der Ukraine verteidigen, ist mitschuldig an Russlands Kriegsverbrechen
Anyone who still defends Putler in view of the human tragedy he causes in Ukraine is as responsible as Rasha for the suffering of these people

Russian terrorists blow up dam in Cherson - many people are dying in floods and homeless -

Two year old girl and five more children killed in Russian missile attack on civilian buildings in Dnipro -

Er (Fleischhauer) ist beispielsweise Unterstützer einer Bürgerinitiative, die den Abschnitt der Straße in Berlin, an der sich die Russische Botschaft befindet, nach dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Wolodymyr Selenskyj benennen lassen möchte. Das würde bedeuten, dass die offizielle Adresse der Russischen Botschaft Wolodymyr-Selenskyj-Platz 1 lautet.
Marie von den Benken
Interview with Ilya Yashin, jailed Kremlin critic

Rasha celebrates that 78 years ago they freed the world of a megalomaniac dictator who deliberately started a war and caused immeasurable pain and suffering for millions of people.
And they still don't see the irony.

Putin is afraid he will die shortly and goes to see a fortune teller.
Putin: Tell me, when is my death date?
Fortune teller: Vladimir Vladimirovich, you will die on a Ukrainian holiday.
Putin: But on which holiday?
Fortune teller: Any day you die will be a Ukrainian holiday.

How do you know that Putin lies? His lips are moving.
When he started the invasion of Ukraine, he promised only professional soldiers and volunteers would be sent to die. A few months later he ordered the partial mobilization of Russian reservists. Hundreds of thousands of Russians have fled Russia since then. Now Putin's allys are demanding a general mobilization.
So far, 200 000 Russians have emigrated to Serbia to flee from Putler's terror regime, and still Serbs don't believe them when they tell them why
Die russische Delegation hatte eine Debatte über die angeblich im Westen grassierende «Russophobie» gefordert. Der Sicherheitsrat liess sich auf das Thema ein, lud aber als Experten Snyder ein, der seit Jahren die russischen Aggressionen anprangert und deshalb auch auf der persönlichen Sanktionsliste Russlands steht.
Snyder drehte kurzerhand den Spiess um und erklärte, dass er die russische Kultur bewundere. Russophob sei nicht der Westen, der auf die russischen Kriegsverbrechen reagiere, sondern der Kreml, der das eigene Land und die eigenen Bürger in den Abgrund reisse. Der Vorwurf der «Russophobie» gehöre zum Informationskrieg, den das aggressive russische Imperium führe. Das Aggressionsverhältnis werde in der offiziellen Rhetorik auf perfide Weise in sein Gegenteil verkehrt: Der Täter gebärde sich als Opfer.

Putin wiederholt mit seinem Krieg nicht Stalins und Hitlers Verbrechen in der Ukraine. Er spielt vielmehr mit Versatzstücken aus der Geschichte und setzt sie zu einer monströsen Ideologie zusammen, die sich in absurden Widersprüchen verstrickt: Wir wollen unbedingt Frieden, darum führen wir Krieg. Wir kämpfen gegen den Westen und bombardieren deshalb ukrainische Städte. Die Ukrainer sind unsere Brüder, darum töten wir sie. Diese Wahnsinnslogik trägt die exklusiven Erkennungszeichen der Diktatur Putins.
Mobilization in Rasha, Putin signs bill allowing electronic conscription with immediate effect.

Zombies are undead. Now there is video proof:

Now Rasha wants Moldova and Georgia to join its empire of shit of their own free will - but their men will be sent straight to die in Ukraine
"Вот и всё."
Russian author reports stories heard and read in Russian media, e.g. illusionist tells Russians to repeat a magic word to make the sanctions against Russia disappear; Kremlin propagandist Margarita Simonjan says everybody must die anyway, and it may be better to die for your country than old and weak, to die 20 or 30 years earlier is only a insignificant difference, etc.
What a country.



Russkyj Mir = Bloody Mir

Zombies, what are your favourite hobbies, especially for ZombieChristmas?
Zombie 1: Murder.
Zombie 2: Rape.
Zombie 3: Bombing civilians.
Zombie 4: Do I get to choose only one?

The putin, the

putin is a word in Romanian. It means meagre, small.

Russia: We are Rasha. You will be assimilated. Your culture will be adapted to service us. Resistance is futile.
Ukraine: Sends the brainwashed Zombies back to the hole they crawled out of. Rasha parasha
The vanished children of Cherson - how Rasha has systematically been stealing thousands of Ukrainian children to indoctrinate them as Rashians.
Those guys believe Rasha is at war with "the West", diese Vollflaschen. Niemand will was von euch, ihr Vollkoffer, bleibt einfach in eurem parasha, da stört euch keiner, versprochen.
Rashian War Crimes: Ethnic cleansing
Rasha deports Ukrainian children to Rasha and has its Zombies settling in their homes.
There are still people who repeat the Kremlin's incredible attempts to justify for its attack on Ukraine in its vision of a historical Russia. In reality all of these countries are now free of Russian occupation, they have been sovereign countries for many years and have no wish whatsoever to be part of a terrorist regime. Russias attack on Ukraine is a violation of international law. In short, they are criminals.
Putin the Butcher calls Russia "victims of aggression" and claims that Russians who die in his criminal war go straight to heaven. That's not entirely correct. Those who do the devil's work will indeed receive a warm welcome. But not in heaven.
Author Maria Stepanova about being part of a Russia that is now the source of all evil
Putin claims, Ukraine is a brotherly people and that it is not Russia's fault that they had to invade their brothers' country.
What we have learned in the last year: If Russians call you their brothers, be very afraid - they are going to kill you, destroy everything you love and steal everything you have.

Слава зомби:
Слава русским убийцам!
Слава русским убийцам детей!
Слава русским насильникам!
Слава русским мучителям!
Слава русским военным преступникам!
Ваша страна гордится вами!

Зa Украинy
Зa детей Украины, Донбассa, Мариуполя

Russia is a terrorist state

Россия - приносящая смерть
Russia is the bringer of death
Russian soccer player Nadya Karpova calls Putin and Lukashenko scum and scoundrels. And then some.
No, this is how you end this "conflict", you murdering criminals:
Same here:
"The Ukrainian deserves to live in good neighborliness, friendship, prosperity next to its Slavic brothers," Lavrov said. And they will as soon as their criminal Fascist "brothers" stop killing them and get the fuck out of Ukraine.
Es kann der Beste nicht in Frieden leben, wenn es dem bösen Nachbarn nicht gefällt.
Russian Militia commander talks about fighting the Nato - everybody, even Russians know Russia is not fighting Nato, Russia is destroying Ukraine, killing Ukrainian civilians, committing unspeakable atrocities, stealing Ukrainian grain and everything they can get their filthy paws on
Russian tells about his capture and treatment by Ukrainian forces - "They did not beat us"
Putin tells the mothers of Russians he sent to die: "I share your pain." What an insult. You don't share nothing of their pain. Your children are not dying! But many children of many mothers are dying because of you!
Putin urged the mothers of Russians he sent to die to distrust the internet: "You can't trust anything there at all, there are all sorts of fakes, deception, lies" - that is the first true word we have heard from this man. Слава российским интернет-троллям! World famous Russian internet trolls!
And here's the confirmation - don't trust the internet, Russian mothers of dead soldiers killed by Putin's insanity! In reality the "mothers" Putin talked to were party officials. Cheap fake instead of deep fake ;)
Russia's Fake News producing troll army
Putin wants to entice mothers with a nice title to give life to ten or more children to send them to die in his war - in a long-standing tradition of Fascist regimes - that is exactly what Hitler did in preparation for World War II (Mother's Cross). You probably won't get your promised money though, матушки, because, well, of the war.
Another bedtime story for the brainwashed
Banker and entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov has renounced his Russian citizenship because of the conflict in Ukraine, which he has previously criticised. “I have taken the decision to exit my Russian citizenship. I can’t and won’t be associated with a fascist country that started a war with their peaceful neighbour and killing innocent people daily,” Tinkov said. “I hate Putin’s Russia, but love all Russians, who are clearly against this insane war!”

Criminals invading Ukraine, get your name tattoed on your skin so your body can be identified and sent back to your family.

Сталин Большой террор 1938 mass murderer
Hitler World War II 1939 mass murderer


Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always. - Mahatma Gandhi

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness. - Joseph Conrad

Manchmal kann man gar nicht so viel essen, wie man kotzen möchte.

People who steal from others and live at other people's expense are criminals. They do not have the same values as normal people. Lying, betrayal, taking what's not theirs and even killing to get what they want - these are their values and they are proud of it.

СС Putin
Russia is a terrorist state
Putin's speech - Russia is so poor and misunderstood, Russia was forced by to invade and bomb Ukraine, to kill civilians, to bring death and destruction to Ukraine, now bad bad Ukraine does not want to talk to Russia anymore, Russia would be open to talks, but it's Ukraine's fault that there are no talks, and the whole invasion and death and destruction and threat of nuclear war is anyone's fault but Russia's:
Talks with Russia in the past - and the present.
Kremlin propagandist Krasovsky on National TV, this is how Russians think about Ukrainians and the atrocities committed by Russian soldiers in Ukraine on women and children
Three monsters
Until nothing's left but him in a hell of his own making
Talks with Russia in the past - and the present.
S. Lavrov taught the world a new name for the Kremlin Criminals in his speech at the UN
Сукин сын
which apparently means Сволочь, Мерзавец, or Мразь
In his International Women's Day address on 8 March, Putin insisted that no reservists would be called up to fight in Ukraine. He explicitly promised the mothers, daughters, fiancées and wives that their sons, fathers, fiancés and husbands would not be ordered to fight in Ukraine.
Only brainwashed people believe a word this man says.

Sham referendums show that about 98 % of the Ukrainian people in the occupied regions vote at gunpoint for joining Russia - that's pathetic. Hitler had almost 100 % in '38.
Russian man accused of not wanting to fight for his country says: My grandfather fought for this country - but this is not a fight for my country, it's politics.
Protests against Putin's mobilisation order
нет могилизaции

Putin says, all Russians should now fight for their home country, but you are not - you are invading Ukrainians' home country! You are the baddies in this aggression! You are the Nazis invading Poland! Stay in your own home country and fight for a better life in Russia! Don't die for Putin's insane invasion! Putin earns hundreds of millions of dollars EVERY SINGLE DAY from gas and oil - tell Putin to spend this enormous money for the good of the Russian people and do not let him send you to die!

Putin says, now it's war, and Russians flee the country

Comment in social media:
Now he's sending his own people to the slaughter for his wet dreams - insane! History repeating itself!

Russians protest against the mobilization in 15 different cities, many are arrested only for saying "No to war". How brave are these people in this country where you risk your freedom for speaking your mind in a fascist regime. This is true bravery, not killing innocent civilians, Putin, you coward!

One-way flights out of Moscow sold out two hours after Putin's mobilization speech

Putin mobilizes 300.000 Russian civilians - send Putin and his Cold War old men gang to fight and die in his own fucking war! He is destroying this great country.
Der russische Journalist Andrej Loschak, der seit dem russischen Überfall auf die Ukraine in Georgien lebt, über das derzeit herrschende Terror-Regime, das Russland kaputtmacht.
Alla Pugacheva's Instagram post
Talks on Russian State TV, use of the word "war" and "unacceptable losses" raise fear of a general mobilisation in Russian social media
"The special operation to occupy Ukraine was not President Putin's idea, there are people around him who told him the special operation would be a success and would be over in three days" - Either general mobilisation or we're getting out of Ukraine" - "There cannot be negotiations because the Nazi regime must be destroyed" - "This is a global war"
Historian on Putin's only goal.
Сладостно и почетно умереть за свою страну
War in Ukraine - pictures and stories of the pain and suffering Putin and his supporters have been causing for the Ukrainian people - men, women, children, seniors, animals, country ...
UN reports that about 1,6 million Ukrainians including children were forcibly deported by Russia and detained in "filtration camps" - horror camps known from the Nazi camps and from Chechnya, where Russia established a system of state terror: According to the Russian human rights group Memorial, "by the most modest estimations", the overall number of those having passed through the established and ad hoc "filtration points" reaches at least 200,000 people (out of Chechnya's population of less than one million), of whom "practically all" were subjected to beatings and torture, and some were summarily executed. According to Memorial, the purpose of the "filtration" system in Chechnya, besides being part of the general state terror system for suppression and intimidation of the population, was enforced recruitment of a network of informers, and was characterised by its non-selectivity, that is by arbitrary arrests and mass detentions of innocent people.
Здохнуть хай всі, дай Бог
Zelensky on Russia trying to blackmail Europe by withholding gas: Russia wants to destroy the life of every European
When Putin said Russia had no intentions of attacking anyone, that would be "ridiculous", on October 27, 2016
Kremlin spokesman Peskov on June 17, 2022
Every confrontation will end with a detente with the "West"
Kremlin spokesman Peskov on September 4, 2022
(in Russian)
Вот уже прошло полтора месяца как я вернулся с войны на
Украине, да-да, я знаю что нельзя говорить это слово «война», его
запретили, но все таки я буду говорить именно «война», поймите
правильно, мне уже 33 года и всю жизнь говорю только правду,
пусть даже себе во вред, вот такой «не правильный» и поделать с
этим ничего не могу. Так вот это война, наша российская армия
стреляет в украинскую, а та стреляет в ответ, там взрываются
снаряды и ракеты, Вы когда нибудь слышали звук
приближающегося к Вам снаряда? Если нет то жаль, это
незабываемое ощущение от вибрации и свиста воздуха когда все
внутренности переворачиваются, просто дух захватывает, потом
если повезёт, слышишь взрыв и думаешь что это точно твой день,
конечно если понимаешь что тебе ничего не оторвало взрывной
волной и твое тело не приняло какой нибудь осколок, ну а если
нет, значит денек не задался и в этот раз тебе не повезло, короче
работенка та еще...
При этом гибнут военные с обоих сторон, а также и мирные
жители которым посчастливилось жить там где решили начать
войну, называя ее спецоперацией.
Ах, да, нужно ещё не забывать про сопутствующие войне голод,
болезни, бессонные ночи, антисанитарию и жизнь с постоянно
зашкаливающим адреналином который расходует ресурсы твоего
организма придавая силы, скорость и реакцию, но потом когда
вернёшься с зоны войны, то чувствуешь себя как выжитый лимон
и понимаешь что здоровье у тебя уже совсем не то.
Также есть потом и морально тягостное давление твоей совести
на сердце и душу, если они есть конечно, ведь ты не вольно
задаёшь себе вопрос за чем ты это делаешь и во благо чего. Для
чего ты рискуешь своей жизнью и оставляешь здоровье.Для чего
ты загаживаешь свою и так возможно не самую безоблачную
Russian soldier Pavel Filatyev's manifesto about two months of being sent to fight a war without knowing where and against whom, hunger, looting, diseases, war crimes and atrocities committed by Russian soldiers, the promise of millions of rubles if they got back home (which he did not receive although he almost lost his eyesight) Russian trolls on LT would call him a "snitch", hurrah! Z! The new Swastika!
Russian author Mariya Ganieva about why she had to emigrate and what she thinks is necessary to change the authoritarian regime in Russia
Fake websites of news media try to spread Russian propaganda = fake news.

Russian Foreign Ministry says the destruction of monuments from the time of the Soviet occupation in the Baltic states is inacceptable - it will have negative effects on the relations between Russia and the Baltic states. Of course, it is completely logical - it's not Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the cruel murders and atrocities committed day after day by the Russians in this attack war on a free and democratic state, nor Russia's nuclear threat to Ukraine and Western countries that has a negative effect on Russia's relations with the rest of the world - it's the destruction of some old monuments from the time of the Soviet occupation (which, really guys, you should have destroyed a long time ago, they are hideous). Now you really did it, you made Russia really angry. Just so you know: It is all your fault now. They bomb your houses, your schools, your hospitals - well, you destroyed their monuments! They kill your children and murder your elders in front of you - well, you destroyed their monuments! They nuke you and your whole country - they don't care, you destroyed their fucking monuments!!!
Russland kritisiert Zerstörung von Denkmälern aus der Sowjet-Zeit
In Estland, Lettland und Litauen sind Denkmäler aus der Sowjet-Zeit zerstört worden. Russland bezeichnete diesen Schritt nun als inakzeptabel, wie unter Berufung auf die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters berichtet. Demnach heißt es seitens des russischen Außenministeriums, in den drei Ländern gebe es einen "russophoben" Ansatz und ethnische Russen würden als "Menschen zweiter Klasse" behandelt. Diese Entwicklung werde die bilateralen Beziehungen zu den drei EU- und NATO-Staaten beeinträchtigen.
Russia tries to convey the narrative that the "West" is "russophobe", but Putin and his fascist regime are the greatest Russophobes of all. Putin terrorizes his own people into submission, one part has given in to the decades of brainwashing and blindly follows their Führer, brutally beating down any resistance or any free thought (cf. Hitler Germany, Stalin Russia, Honecker GDR) and even spying on their own family, friends, and neighbours, one part has given up for fear of being persecuted and lives in constant fear, and the rest is in prison or has fled the country.
A little village in the South of Ukraine occupied by the Russians. Interviews how they treated the villagers, tortured old people, murdered men by shooting them in the back, called them Nazis and collaborators. Здохнуть хай всі, дай Бог
Russian politician claims Russia has to undertake the task of denazifying six more countries after Ukraine - "because the West does nothing, we have to do it"
Interview with German politician back from Ukraine about his experience there - "We underestimate Russia's brutality"
Ukraine is only the beginning.
Russian diplomat in Vienna openly demands genocide in Ukraine on Twitter: No mercy for the Ukrainian population. 80% of all Russians think like him? Is that true, dear Russians? As Дядя Stalin once said about genocide which his terror regime committed in Ukraine and in Russian gulags: "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." Interview with Marija Aljochina of Pussy Riot: Putin's propaganda says the majority of Russians is behind him and his fascist ideology, but it's a lie. Every Russian who says anything against the murderous fascist regime is sent to prison. Or falls out of a window. Or from a yacht.
«Не обращайтесь с нашими детьми как с собаками!». Вскрытый архив военной прокуратуры России показал реальное положение дел на фронте
Angry letters by Russian soldiers and their families about how Putin treats his own people
Wut auf eigenes Militär - russische "Freiwillige" werden an die Front gezwungen, Bewohner des Donbass von russischen Soldaten ausgeraubt, ihre Häuser zerstört - "soll das die Befreiung sein?"
Bitter awakening for Putin's army of "volunteers" - they report about not getting paid and being forced to fight if they want to leave. Recruiting of "volunteers" in the poorest Russian regions, with false promises to be paid a few thousand dollars which they never receive.
Russia is planning a referendum on Donbas joining Russia - it is expected to be 100% like the referendum on Austria joining Nazi Germany in 1938 - either vote yes or go to the gulag, it's your free choice!
Rascist Putin-TV Solovyev Simonyan and the Nazi language
"When a doctor is deworming a cat—for the doctor, it's a special operation, for the worms, it's a war, and for the cat, it's a cleansing," he said, prompting Simonyan to respond, "exactly," to laughter.
Interviews (in Ukrainian/Russian) with Ukrainians/Russians who experienced the German invasion in Ukraine/Russia 1941 and the atrocities committed by German soldiers. Now they suffer the Russian invasion and the atrocities committed by Russian soldiers.
Vladimir Vladimirovich, there are so many nice things you can do when you retire, look here
With the current Russian regime, negotiations are useless. They have shown their true colours - liars, thieves, murderers, war criminals.
Sources say Russia cannot feed its people, therefore steals Ukraine's grain. Приятного аппетита!
4-year-old Liza was among 23 people killed, including 2 boys aged 7 and 8, in Russian missile strike in Vinnytsia.
Cowardly Russian child murderers
Здохнуть хай всі, дай Бог
Russians target theatre in Mariupol sheltering hundreds of civilians, bomb kills women and children
Здохнуть хай всі, дай Бог
Putin's Nazi shadow army Wagner Group
Interview with Ukrainian paramedic held captive by Russian occupants - "They said the world has to bow to Great Russia"
Author Serhij Zhadan - Russia's goal is to destroy Ukraine.
"Вам еще нужна эта война?"
In a closing statement on Thursday, Gorinov said he was innocent, pointing to his rights to free expression under the Russian constitution, while also repeating his criticism of the “vile” war in Ukraine.
“War, whatever synonym you call it, is the last, dirtiest, vile thing, unworthy of the title of a man,” Gorinov said. “I thought that Russia exhausted its limit on wars back in the 20th century. However, our present is Bucha, Irpin, and Hostomel. Do these names mean something to you? You, the accusers – take an interest and do not say later that you did not know anything,” he added, referring to the three cities outside Kyiv where Russian troops are accused of committing war crimes.
Kommentar: Die Putin-Apologeten sind schon ein irres Völkchen.
Ihr "großer Führer“ und „Master-Stratege“ könnte einkoten - auch das würden diese Leute noch als „genialen strategischen Schachzug“ ausgeben:
„Putin macht seine vollgekackte Hose nichts aus, der Westen aber kann den Gestank nicht ertragen...“
#мнестыдно Proud Russian Army looting Ukraine
#мнестыдно Russia seeking buyers for stolen Ukrainian grain, US warns Africa
Russian soldiers complain on telegram about forceful recruitments and being left without medical attention and food in the cold
PutinTV shows nuclear missiles annihilating Western countries, Zhuravlev says four would be enough to wipe out the entire US. What PutinTV never shows is the answer to a -Russian nuclear strike. Fembot Skabeyeva - We would start from scratch. - No, you would not. You would be bombed into oblivion. There are Western military whose trigger finger is on the button already. You should both be put on a secluded island where you can punch each other as much as you like and leave the rest of the world the fuck alone.
Мария Алёхина
"A totalitarian system is based on lies."
Российский дипломат в ООН выступил против войны в Украине и ушел в отставку. «Мне так стыдно за свою страну»
Russian UN diplomat Boris Bondarev's resignation letter in English and Russian
Historian: The system will not end with Putin
Warning, pictures of Ukrainian youngsters and children after Russian bombardments - the youngest victims of Vlad Putin's war - somebody should help him on his way to meet his friends Adolf and Yossif Vissarionovitch, they are waiting for him to exchange similar war stories
Russian with English subtitles
In an extremely rare moment of candour on Russian state TV today, defence columnist Mikhail Khodaryonok gave a damning assessment of Russia's war in Ukraine and his country's international isolation.
Interview with Masha Alyochina (Pussy Riot). If she could wish for three things, it would be a tribunal for Putin and his entourage, rebuilding of the bombed cities, and freedom, even if it is for one day only. One day of freedom for Russia.
Mariupol. Spazierfahrt durch die Stadt. Мариуполь. Проезд по город.
Cпасибо "освободителям". Здохнуть хай всі.
"No brothers anymore" Ukrainian journalist whose family fled at the beginning of Russian attack on Ukraine returns to Kiew, Russian soldiers plundered their houses and left mines all around
"Und willst Du nicht mein Bruder sein, dann schlag ich Dir den Schädel ein!" (Bernhard von Bülow)

To all the people who still think this or any war is justifiable in any way

Putin falls ill, goes into a coma and wakes up a year later. So he goes to Moscow, enters a bar, orders a drink, and asks the bartender:
-Is Crimea ours?
-Yes, it is.
-And the Donbas?
-Also ours.
-And Kyiv?
-We got that too.
Satisfied, Putin drinks, and asks:
-Thanks, how much do I owe you?
-35 Hryvnia.
Mosfilm director Karen Schachnasarow threatens Russians who are against the attack war on Ukraine with merciless persecution like in the times of stalin: "There will be no mercy for them. There will be concentration camps, re-education, sterilisation. (laughs)"
Увидел свет какова Россия

Great Russia, what has happened to you? I don't recognize you anymore. Your proud sons kill women and children, your brave soldiers rape little girls. What has happened to you that you have become like this? #мнестыдно
Für uns sind Würde und Respekt wichtig,
Gedanken- und Meinungsfreiheit.
Das System von Vasallen, Sklaven, Verteilern,
Moralischen Missgeburten und ihren Anführern -
Wir haben genug von diesem ganzen Theater!
Russian soldiers loot Ukrainian cities. Camera shows Russian military truck with washing machines they stole from people's homes.
"Die Aufgabe von Propaganda ist es nicht, dich von etwas zu überzeugen oder dir einen bestimmten Standpunkt aufzudrängen, sondern dir einen Grund zu geben, nichts zu tun. Sie erklärt dir, warum du nichts tun sollst. Als erklärt wurde, dass es Covid gibt und dass man etwas unternehmen muss, da war sie machtlos, weil der Mensch nichts tun will. Jetzt wird erklärt, warum das alles eine kurze Operation ist, dass sie erfolgreich enden wird, dass es eine unmittelbare Bedrohung für Russland gibt, und dass das alles überhaupt keine echten Ukrainer betrifft. Kurzum: Alles ist gut. Alles ist gut, alles ist bald vorbei, die politische Führung hat alles im Griff. Das genügt den Leuten, um ihr normales Leben ruhig weiterzuleben."
"Ich denke, das Problem im heutigen Russland ist nicht, dass die Russen massenhaft diese bestialische Aggression gegen die Ukraine gutheißen würden. ... Das Problem liegt darin, dass die Menschen versuchen so zu tun, als würde sie das alles nichts angehen, als könnten sie einfach ihr Privatleben weiterleben, an das sie sich gewöhnt haben und das sie sich mit großer Mühe aufgebaut haben."
"Russland zerstreitet sich auf diese Art für immer mit den zwei Völkern, die ihm kulturell am nächsten stehen – mit den Ukrainern und den Belarussen."
Vanda Semyonovna Obiedkova survived the Nazis at the age of ten, but she was killed by Russian bombs on Mariupol
"Bis zu 15 Jahre Haft droht der Staat all jenen an, die Fakten und Meinungen verbreiten, die von der offiziellen Darstellung abweichen. Durch solche «Fakes» will der Kreml seine Armee nicht «diskreditiert» wissen."
"Die meisten Russen wissen, dass die Staatspropaganda lügt"
Thomas Urban war 24 Jahre lang Osteuropa-Korrespondent der Süddeutschen Zeitung, von 1991 bis 2012 gehörte die Ukraine zu seinem Berichtsgebiet.
"Warum sind einige Narrative des Kremls, die mit der Annexion der Krim und dem Krieg im Industrierevier Donbass 2014 ihren Ausgang nahmen, bis heute überaus wirksam geblieben? Ein Musterbeispiel für erfolgreiches Framing ist die Saga von den "prorussischen Separatisten" im Osten der Ukraine, die ihre Heimatregion an Russland anschließen wollen. [...]
Im Fall der Ukraine ist indes offensichtlich, dass die überwältigende Mehrheit der russischsprachigen Einwohner sich nicht als Russen fühlt, sondern als Ukrainer. Sie wollen genauso wenig Russen sein wie Wiener und Züricher Deutsche. [...]
Die russischsprachige Bevölkerung der Ukraine prägt ein ukrainischer Patriotismus, dessen historische Bezugspunkte die Rebellionen der freien Kosaken gegen die Zaren und der Holodomor sind, die große Hungersnot unter Stalin mit Millionen Toten. Die Fernsehnachrichten von der Fluchtwelle dieser Tage bestätigen dies: Fast alle Frauen, die mit ihren Kindern nun in Polen und Deutschland Schutz suchen, sprechen Russisch. Und sie verfluchen Putin, der vorgibt, die russischsprachige Bevölkerung zu schützen."

Kommentar unter Bericht über das Ermorden von Zivilisten in Butscha:
Kann dieser Höllenzwerg nicht einfach implodieren?!
Mediale Gleichschaltung in Russland
Was der Westen nicht versteht und Osteuropa und die Ex-SU-Staaten schon lange wissenЭто-просто-война-its-just-war.html...

It's just a war
Young lads are watching from the photo,
Their eyes still keep the sacred friendship, the same as earlier
Everyone could be happy,
Everyone could be loved,
But they've become young boys forever

Это просто война
Молодые ребята, с фотографии смотрят,
Их глаза дружбу свято, как и прежде хранят.
Каждый мог быть счастливым,
Каждый мог быть любимым,
Но остался мальчишкой молодым навсегда.
Red Army Choir: Хотят ли русские войны?

Original: RIA Novosti:

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