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    تسوى العالم → Αγγλικά μετάφραση

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تسوى العالم

تسوى عالم في عيوني بالفعل
تسوى عالم ما ابالغ في كلامي
خارق انت وفي صفاتك مكتمل
يعني لازم يتجه صوبك غرامي
تسوى عالم في عيوني بالفعل
ايه .. تسوى عالم ما ابالغ في كلامي
خارق انت وفي صفاتك مكتمل
يعني لازم يتجه صوبك غرامي
ما أكل في محبتك ولا أمل
وان كرهتك انا بعلن انفصامي
واعتبرني طفل مو كامل عقل
وانا بيدي راح اوجهلي سهامي
ما أكل في محبتك ولا أمل
وان كرهتك انا بعلن انفصامي
واعتبرني طفل مو كامل عقل
وانا بيدي راح اوجهلي سهامي
لا تعجب من غرامي وتنذهل
واللي خالقني تراك إنسان سامي
مُجملاً راقي جميل وبن أصل
حتى في اسمك خذيت أجمل أسامي
لا تعجب من غرامي وتنذهل
ايه .. واللي خالقني تراك إنسان سامي
مجملاً راقي جميل وبن أصل
حتى في اسمك خذيت أجمل أسامي
مستحيل إني الاقي لك مثل
كافي معرفتك تعلي من مقامي
ياللي كل لحظه من دونك شي ممل
من عرفتك لم أرى ناسٍ أمامي
مستحيل إني الاقي لك مثل
كافي معرفتك تعلي من مقامي
ياللي كل لحظه من دونك شي ممل
من عرفتك لم أرى ناسٍ أمامي

The most expensive thing in this world

You are the most expensive thing in this world in my eyes.
Yes, you are the most expensive; I'm not exaggerating in my words.
You are supernatural and complete in your qualities.
I mean, I should definitely go towards to your love.
You are the most expensive thing in this world in my eyes.
Yes, you are the most expensive; I'm not exaggerating in my words.
You are supernatural and complete in your qualities.
I mean, I should definitely go towards to your love.
I don't get tired of your love.
And if I hate you one day, I will declare that I am crazy.
Considered me such as a child whose has incomplete mind.
And in my hand, I will direct your love arrows in my direction.
I don't get tired of your love.
And if I hate you one day, I will declare that I am crazy.
Considered me such as a child whose has incomplete mind.
And in my hand, I will direct your love arrows in my direction.
Don't marvel at my love and be amazed.
I swear, I see you as supremely perfect.
First of all, I see you high in your morals and of good origins.
Even in your name, you took the most beautiful names meaning.
Don't marvel at my love and be amazed.
I swear, I see you as supremely perfect.
First of all, I see you high in your morals and of good origins.
Even in your name, you took the most beautiful names meaning.
Impossible that I see someone else like you.
It is enough for me when I knew you; I had felt the meaning of happiness.
O, every moment that passes without you is dull and tasteless.
When I met you, I didn't see the people in front of me.
Impossible that I see someone else like you.
It is enough for me when I knew you; I had felt the meaning of happiness.
O, every moment that passes without you is dull and tasteless.
When I met you, I didn't see the people in front of me.