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Voi ch'amate lo Criatore

Voi ch’amate lo Criatore,
ponete mente a lo meo dolore.
Ch’io son Maria co' lo cor tristo
la quale avea per figliuol Cristo:
la speme mia et dolce acquisto
fue crocifisso pe’ li peccatori.
Capo bello et delicato,
come ti veggio stare enchinato;
li tuoi capelli di sangue intrecciati,
fin a la barba ne va i’ rigore.
Bocca bella et delicata,
come ti veggio stare asserrata,
di fiele e aceto fosti abbeverata,
trista et dolente dentr’al mio core.
Voi ch’amate lo Criatore,
ponete mente a lo meo dolore.

You all who love the Creator

You all who love the Creator,
pay heed to my sorrow
for I am Mary with a sad heart,
having Christ as a son:
my hope and my sweet achievement
was crucified for the sinners.
Beautiful and gentle head,
how I see you being bowed;
your hair is encrusted with blood,
even your beard is stiffened.
Beautiful and gentle mouth,
how I see you being clenched,
with gall and vinegar you were watered,
sad and painful inside my heart.
You all who love the Creator,
pay heed to my sorrow.
Mina: Κορυφαία 3
Idioms from "Voi ch'amate lo ..."
Don JuanDon Juan
   Παρ, 23/03/2018 - 21:26

Grazie mille, Marco!