Cast your bread upon the waters

Submitted by sajlovicnatasa on 2017-05-01

Meanings of "Cast your bread upon the ..."


to do good without expecting gratitude or reward in return (from Ecclesiastes 11:1-2).

Explained by St. SolSt. Sol on Wed, 26/09/2018 - 01:24
Explained by St. SolSt. Sol

делать добро, не ожидая благодарности или вознаграждения (Экклезиаст 11:1-2).

Explained by St. SolSt. Sol on Wed, 26/09/2018 - 01:28
Explained by St. SolSt. Sol

Činiti dobro ne očekujući da se ono vrati.

Explained by sajlovicnatasasajlovicnatasa on Mon, 01/05/2017 - 19:07
Explained by sajlovicnatasasajlovicnatasa