Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stand With Ukraine!
  • Yuta

    Жили-Были → English translation

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Lived and were together

One day cold weather will come again
And you will leave again, and then
I will wave my hand after you, and fall down
And night dreams came true, and hair came unplaited...
When cold weather will come
and white road will spread in front of us,
Everyone will be silent and no one will say
that doesn't like this cold much.
And it is not a matter of age,
and not of money, not of museum dust
Not for keeps but forever,
Just a pity that we didn't live and be together long.
Lived and were together...
And if I will become silent some day
Don't betray me, I want so much
To hope, to stand, to wait
Oh, if we only could not to take leave for long time...
When cold weather will come
and white road will spread in front of us
Everyone will be silent and no one will say
that doesn't like cold much
And it is not a matter of age
and not of money, not of museum dust
Not for keeps but forever,
Just a pity that we didn't live and be together long.
Lived and were together...
My prison is a dumb confinement,
I will become either cry or singing
The stolen line, you know.
Luck, you don't leave me...
When cold will come
and white road will spread in front of us
Everyone will be silent and no one will say
that doesn't like cold much
And it is not a matter of age
and not of money, not of museum dust
Not for keeps but forever,
Just a pity that we didn't live and be together long.
Lived and were together...
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (Russian)

   Mon, 02/02/2015 - 21:48

Кажется,в последнее время тут принято указывать автора стихов и музыки.
Стихи: Евгений Ройзман, музыка: Анна Осипова (Юта).

Пойду скажу модераторам.

   Mon, 02/02/2015 - 22:05

прикольно, не знала, что есть видео на эту песню.
Юта, кажись, не только это совместно с Ройзманом делала. Они вообще сработались неплохо:)

   Tue, 03/02/2015 - 04:54

Еще "Чуть неуверенно"и "Славная осень"

   Sat, 28/01/2017 - 10:08

Please, note :the original lyrics have been changed.
Verse 1 Line 3 - Тебе вослед рукой - и камнем вниз,

Зверніть увагу, що текст пісні був змінений.
Рядок 3 - Тебе вослед рукой - и камнем вниз,