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  • Amazarashi

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今夜生まれてくる命と 死んでしまう命 そして懸命に輝く命と 無駄に生き長らえる僕
「こんな夜は消えてしまいたい」とよく思うけれど お前なんか消えてしまえ 何で今日まで生きてたんだ
無駄じゃないって思いたくて 此処まで無理して走ったんだ
この先もそうするつもりだよ それも無駄になったらどうしよう
「こんな夜は消えて しまいたい」とよく思うけれど
今終わったら全部が無駄で 何か残したくて生きる
正解でも 間違いでも それが分かるのはどうせ未来 今は走るだけ
生まれた事が 奇跡だったら 息をするのも 奇跡 奇跡
ここで笑うか 泣き喚こうが どっちにしても 奇跡 奇跡
色んな事が起こるものさ 長く生きりゃそれに伴って 嬉しい事楽しかった事 もちろん逆も同じ数だけ
「こんなはずじゃない」と 思うのは僕らの傲慢で 引き金になった出来事が 過去には無数に存在する
それを一々悔やんだって 今更どうにもなりはしない 核心はもっと深いところ 僕が生まれた所以に至る
父と母の出会いから もっと言えばその血筋から そして最後に行き着く場所は 宇宙の始まり その確率
愛してます その気持ちは どっからやって来て 何処へ消えるんだろう 何故消えるんだろう
愛されたのが 奇跡だったら 愛した事も 奇跡 奇跡
幸せだった それでよかった 後悔しない 奇跡 奇跡
唇噛み締めて自分の無力さになす術もなく 泣いた悔しさ
身体半分持ってかれるような 別れの痛みとその寂しさ
それさえも奇跡だと言えたなら 思えたなら
無価値な事も特別になる ありのままで奇跡だから
生きてる事が 奇跡だったら つまずいたのも 奇跡 奇跡
歩き出すのも 諦めるのも 好きにさせろよ 奇跡 奇跡
つまずいたのが 奇跡だったら このもやもやも 奇跡 奇跡
立ち向かうのも 引き返すのも 僕らの答え 奇跡 奇跡


The life that comes into this world tonight, and the life that dies away, and the life that's fervently shining, I've been living it so long in vain.
I often think ''On nights like these, I'd like to disapperar'', but then ''Well then disappear! Why have you been living until today?''
I'd like to think it isn't vain, so I've forced myself to run up until here.
And from here I plan to do the same. But what do I do if that's all in vain?
I often think ''On nights like these, I'd like to disappear'', but if it ended now it'd all be in vain, and since I want to leave something behind, I'll live.
At any rate, whether that's right or a mistake, only the future knows, so for now all I'll do is run.
If having been born in a miracle, then breathing is a miracle too.
Should I laugh here, should I cry here? Either way, it's still a miracle.
Lots of things happen in life. If you live long, that involves many pleasant and enjoyable things. But of course the same number of the opposite.
Thinking ''It's not supposed to be that way'' is just our hubris, and the events that triggered the thought exist countlessly in our past.
But even if we regret them one by one, at this point there's nothing we can do.
What matters most is in a deeper place, it gets close to the reason I was born.
From when my mom and dad met - even further, from my whole lineage, the place where I'll end up is the beginning of the cosmos. What are the odds?
Where did these feelings of ''I love you'' come from?
Where are they vanishing off to? Why are they vanishing?
If being loved is a miracle, then loved is a miracle too.
I was happy back then, so I'm glad it happened. I won't regret those miracles.
The frustration of biting my lip and crying, without any way to fix my helplessness, the pain and sadness of separation, almost like half my body being pulled away: If I can say those are miracles too, and if I can believe that, then even worthless things can become special, since they're miracles as they are.
If living on is a miracle, then having stumbled is a miracle too.
Walk it off or give up. Do as you'd like. That in and of itself is a miracle.
If having stumbled is a miracle, then this gloomy haze is a miracle too.
Stand against it or pull back. Those are our answers, and that's a miracle.