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  • Christian Hymns & Songs

    Mi Jesus mi Amado → English translation

  • 2 translations
    English #1, #2
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Mi Jesus mi Amado

Vengo a rendirme a tus pies
Agradecido Señor
Me perdonaste
Cambiaste mi corazón
Tu vida diste por mí
En una muerte tan cruel
Porque me amaste
Siendo yo un vil pecador
Quiero postrarme ante ti Jesús en silencio
Reconocer que tu amor por mí no merezco
Mi Jesús mi amado
Quiero regar con mis lagrimas tus pies
Quiero besarlos y así permanecer
Y derramar ante ti todo mi ser

My Jesus, my beloved

I come to surrender myself at Your feet
grateful my Lord
as You forgave me
changed my heart
You gave Your life for me
in such a cruel death
why did You love me?
if I'm only a vile sinner
I want to prostrate myself before You Jesus, in silence
to recognize that I don't deserve Your love for me
My Jesus, my beloved
I want to wet Your feet with my tears
I want to kiss them (His feet) and stay like that
and to let all my being spill over before You