Abba Gang - Diapason lyrics request

  • Artist: Abba Gang
  • Song: Diapason
  • Language: Unknown
Stick to the artist name format that is already on the site. Please leave it blank if you're not sure who sings the song.
Please choose "Unknown" if you're not sure about song language.
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These lyrics are too short to be published
Torpedo23Torpedo23    Mon, 17/08/2020 - 06:08

This is not French (not Canadian, not European, not random tropical slang)
I'm not sure what language it is though - might be some kind of creole (not sure which - I couldn't find where the artist is from).
Maybe try asking on the forum to figure out what language/creole this is, and then find someone who could provide a transcription for you. (:

Torpedo23Torpedo23    Tue, 18/08/2020 - 02:23

Yes, and that's fine (I mean, you labeled it "French" so it makes sense for you to have thought it was indeed in French) - no offence taken, don't worry ^^
I just wanted to let you know (:

Yep', too many languages indeed!

Well, I guess your best bet now is to ask for language detection on the forum (hopefully, someone will be able to detect what language this is!) Maybe some LT members are from Mali or live there?

Best of luck!

   Thu, 20/08/2020 - 17:11

Yes, It's a good idea.
I'm asking on the forum.
Thank you. :)