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  • Alfonso Gatto

    Al mio padre → English translation

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Al mio padre

Se mi tornassi questa sera accanto
lungo la via dove scende l’ombra
azzurra già che sembra primavera,
per dirti quanto è buio il mondo e come
ai nostri sogni in libertà s’accenda
di speranze di poveri di cielo,
io troverei un pianto da bambino
e gli occhi aperti di sorriso, neri
neri come le rondini del mare.
Mi basterebbe che tu fossi vivo,
un uomo vivo col tuo cuore è un sogno.
Ora alla terra è un’ombra la memoria
della tua voce che diceva ai figli:
“Com’è bella la notte e com’è buona
ad amarci così con l’aria in piena
fin dentro al sonno”. Tu vedevi il mondo
nel plenilunio sporgere a quel cielo,
gli uomini incamminati verso l’alba.

For my father

This evening, If you'd be back by my side
Along the street where the shadow is going down
And is already blue as if it was spring,
To tell us how dark is the world and how,
In our free dreams, It would become brighter
With hopes of poor people for heaven.
I'll find one of my tears when I was a child
And your open and smiling eyes, dark,
Dark like sea ​​swallows.
The only thing I'd need is you alive,
A living man with your heart is my dream.
Now it's a shadow for the earth, the memory
Of your voice which told your children:
"How beautiful is the night and how good
it is to be loved so, in the open air
Until deep sleep". You sow everyone
Under the full moon, sticking out this sky,
Human beings journeying toward the sunrise.
The author of translation requested proofreading.
It means that he/she will be happy to receive corrections, suggestions etc about the translation.
If you are proficient in both languages of the language pair, you are welcome to leave your comments.
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