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  • Przemysław Gintrowski

    Bajka Ruska → English translation

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Bajka Ruska

Postarzał się car ojczulek, postarzał.
Już nawet gołąbka własnymi rękami
nie mógł zadusić. Siedział na tronie złoty
i zimny. Tylko broda mu rosła
do podłogi i niżej.
Rządził wtedy kto inny, nie wiadomo kto.
Ciekawy lud zaglądał do pałacu przez okno,
ale Kriwonosow zasłonił okna szubienicami.
Więc tylko wisielcy widzieli co nieco.
W końcu umarł car ojczulek na dobre.
Dzwony biły, ale ciała nie wynoszono.
Przyrósł car do tronu. Nogi tronowe
pomieszały się z nogami carskimi.
Ręka wrosła w poręcz.
Nie można go było oderwać.
A zakopać cara ze złotym tronem - żal.

A Russian Tale

The tsar, our beloved daddy got old, very old.
He wasn't even able to strangle a dove with his own hands.
Kept on sitting on the throne, gold and cold,
only his beard kept growing,
to the floor and more.
Someone else ruled the country, nobody knew who.
The curious people were peeping thorough the palace windows,
but the crooked tsar obscured the windows with gallows,
so only those executed were able to see a bit.
Finally, the tsar, our beloved daddy, died for good.
The bells rang, but no one put out the body.
The tsar glued to the throne.
His legs jumbled with those of the throne,
his hands deeply rooted into the armrests.
There was no way to disconnect him from the throne
and to bury him with a golden throne - wouldn't be wise.
   Mon, 21/03/2022 - 23:07

This poem was about Stalin, but in a new reality it can also refer to another Tsar - Putin.