Bite The Bullet - Edge of the Rain lyrics request

Stick to the artist name format that is already on the site. Please leave it blank if you're not sure who sings the song.
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This transcription has been generated by a machine-learning model and it may contain errors or inaccuracies. Please ensure to thoroughly review and verify the contents before submitting.
These lyrics are too short to be published
Sarah RoseSarah Rose    Wed, 06/05/2020 - 22:54

Hi, I see that you've requested some transcriptions for songs by Bite The Bullet. I wanted to let you know that the songs you've requested are by two different bands with the same name.

I've reorganized the songs for all the requests that were already completed. But to avoid creating a third, non-existent artist when this transcription is filled, please change the artist for this request to: Bite the Bullet (UK)

Thank you!