[SOLVED] Add or send link about your favorite movie scenes

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<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
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<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
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<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
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___Ten thousand... twelve thousand... fifteen... sixteen... seventeen... twenty-two. Twenty-two?


___Any trouble, boy?

___No, old man.
Thought I was having trouble with my adding.
It's all right now.

I *heart* Agua Caliente.

I *heart* Spain.

I *heart* Sergio Leone.

For A Few Dollars More __ Final Duel & Ending


Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
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Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014
Maria Kritikou a scris:

Γιστι αυτες οι φστσουλες;

Γιατί "σ" αντί για "α";

Τι έχουν οι φάτσες, δεν είναι καλές;

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014
Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014
Maria Kritikou a scris:

Ειναι σαν να απαξιοις αυτο που ποσταρες.

Κανείς δεν δίνει σημασία στις φάτσες παρά μόνο στα αριστουργήματα που ποστάρω!! *lol*

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

Πιπέρι στο στόμα!!
Για ποιά λες;

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014


Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

"No Country For Old Men" θα πρέπει να είναι φοβερή ταινία και ο τύπος στην σκηνή έπαιζε και τον πρώην πράκτορα-κακό σε ένα από τα τελευταία Μποντ. Επίσης και το "Κουρδιστό Πορτοκάλι" έπος!

Θα πάρω τον θείο μου τηλ. να μου στείλει καλές κόπιες!

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

Έχω ακούσει από πολλούς ότι είναι καταπληκτική και τους άρεσε πολύ.
Θα την δω από περιέργεια όπως και να έχει.

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

Αα, γιατί είπες freaky psycho movie.

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

Α, κατάλαβα!
Αφού δεν σου άρεσε γιατί το ποστάρεις σε thread όπου ανεβάζουμε σκηνές από αγαπημένες ταινίες;;
*dash1* *dash1* *dash1*

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

Λογικό ακούγεται! *yes3*

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
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<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
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<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
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Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

*diablo* *diablo* *diablo*

Hard core scene, watch at your own risk:


Expert Rex Viæ Lacteæ
<a href="/en/translator/josemar" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1295500">Josemar </a>
Joined: 12.06.2016

かぐや姫の物語 / The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013)

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<a href="/en/translator/citl%C4%81licue" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1109697">citlālicue <div class="moderator_icon" title="Moderador" ></div></a>
Joined: 31.03.2012

Favorite scenes from films:

Film: Macario 1960
Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macario_(film)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neKKPHVebPE (English subs included)


Macario meets three figures on the same day: God, the Devil and Death. When a third figure —a peasant like himself— appears to him, he gladly shares the turkey with the man. The third man is none other than Death itself. Death is unsure why Macario has shared his turkey with him and not with the Devil and God. Macario responds, "Whenever you appear, there is no time for anything else." Macario hoped to forestall what he assumed to be his imminent death by gaining the time it would take for him and Death to eat. Death is amused and as a compensation, names Macario his "friend" and gives him miraculous water that will heal any disease. If Death appears at the feet of the sick person, they can be healed with the water - but if Death appears by the person's head he or she is condemned to die. This "friendship" lasts for years, but they never speak to each other, but merely stare.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkV27tlY5aA (English subs included)


Unfortunately for Macario, Death "has to take the child," so Macario, in despair, begs and tries to escape, only to enter Death's cavern (filmed in the Cacahuamilpa caverns) and is reprimanded for turning his "gift" into merchandise. Death shows him the candles that the cavern is filled with, thousands of candles all representing a person's life. The making of the wax and length of the candle all factor into the lifespan of a given person. Death then snuffs out the candle of the Viceroy's son before Macario's eyes. When Macario sees how short his candle is, he begs Death to save it but Death refuses. In desperation, Macario snatches up his candle and runs out of the cavern, not heeding the shouts of Death behind him.

The last scenes begin at twilight on the day that Macario shared the turkey with Death. He has not come home, and his wife and some villagers are looking for Macario out in the woods only to find him peacefully dead, next to a turkey divided in halves: one of which is eaten, the other being intact, as if he died not fulfilling his dream of eating a complete turkey for himself.

At the time I didn't quite understand the ending (I was a child then, too naive to understand that the ending was not a happy one). In a way, it awoke and dimmed away the fear of my own mortality and was probably the best thing I've seen in my life.

The other film is 1971's "Mi niño Tizoc" but I can't find any clips of scenes online :/

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

What's happening here? :-o

Where's Arnie?? *angry*


Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

What's happening here? :-o

Where's Arnie?? *angry*


Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
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Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

Get away from her, you bitch:


Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014
<a href="/en/translator/nil" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1379304">Nil </a>
Joined: 19.04.2018

Epic scene from one of my favorite movies:

<a href="/en/translator/radu-robert" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1343167">Radu Robert </a>
Joined: 26.06.2017

Vikinks scene (One of my favs) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4MCgMaU1Dw i'll add more scenes (from others) whjen i'll have more free time :)))

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014
<a href="/en/translator/berny-devlin" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1321469">Berny Devlin </a>
Joined: 01.01.2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJP_duUEZGM Il Divo , film di Paolo Sorrentino, scena che ha come colonna sonora 'I migliori anni della nostra vita', canzone di Renato Zero

<a href="/en/translator/berny-devlin" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1321469">Berny Devlin </a>
Joined: 01.01.2017

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FX-lgSQlGw Il celebre monologo di Giulio Andreotti sulla ineluttabilità del male, dal film di Paolo Sorrentino 'Il Divo'

<a href="/en/translator/berny-devlin" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1321469">Berny Devlin </a>
Joined: 01.01.2017

'Le conseguenze dell'amore', di Paolo Sorrentino. Questa è una selezione di scene. Quella del riscatto finale del protagonista, che coincide con la sua morte, è la più toccante.


Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

Είδα χτες "Από το σούρουπο ως την αυγή", δεν μου είχες πει ό,τι το δεύτερο μισό κρύβει μια έκπληξη! :D
Επόμενη στάση Death Proof...

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

Ναι, το είδα...
Στα 8/10 της ταινίας βλέπεις δυο παρέες με γκόμενες να λένε τα δικά τους και στο υπόλοιπο υπάρχει λίγη δράση. Σενάριο ανύπαρκτο, ερμηνείες χαζοχαρούμενες και ευτυχώς που υπάρχει ο Κερτ Ράσσελ και σώζει την κατάσταση, αισθητική 70's που γίνεται κουραστική όμως συνέχεια, γενικά μέτρια ταινία...
Ειδικά στους ατέλειωτους διαλόγους των κοριτσιών υπάρχει κίνδυνος ρίξης κάτω γνάθου από τα αλλεπάλληλα χασμουρητά. *nea*

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

To άφησες και ρήμαξε το thread Μαριωωωωώ!...

Okay, not exactly a scene from a film but it's my favorite video on youtube in the last two months!
Two crazy moth****ckers + GoPro + Metallica "For Whom The Bell Tolls" + 52/11 chainset (crankset & cassette) + Specialized S-Works (about 10000 €) behind the truck = ??????
Don't try this NEVER!!

Where are you Beatrixxxx? :P


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Συλλυπητήριά μου

Super Member Keep To Yourself
<a href="/en/translator/makis17" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1208934">makis17 </a>
Joined: 31.05.2014

Τα θερμά μου συλλυπητήρια. :(
Ζωή σε λόγου σας να τον θυμόσαστε!
Χαίρομαι που σε ακούω!
Δεν πειράζει κορίτσι μου, δεν είναι ώρες για τέτοια.
