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  • Joe Romano

    Hallelujah → English translation

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Tanto da dire ma
Punti di domanda io
Ho imparato a incolparmi sai
Nella rabbia dei 16
A te che cosa importa
Se sono un tipo regolare
Con l’attitudine a mangiare male
Credo che il mio deserto
Sia un mare
Consumato da troppo sale
Troppo sole o troppo solo
Che non sa gridare Hallelujah
Niente funziona come Hallelujah
Dopo le tegole ancora Hallelujah
È troppo tempo che non gridiamo
E nella gola ho
Rabbia e benzina
Ma ho gli occhi fuori fuoco
Oh oh
Ci sono cose che voglio urlare
Cose che voglio fare
Cose che devo dire
A te che cosa cambia
Se mi addormento in un locale
E se ho bevuto per riempire il mare
Credo che il mio deserto sia sale
Consumato da troppe gabbie
Troppe forse due paure
Che non sa gridare Hallelujah
Niente funziona come Hallelujah
Dopo le tegole ancora Hallelujah
È troppo tempo che non gridiamo
Tell me everything I need is just to rise
Tell me everything I need is seat and cry
Yeah, you give me life
(Yeah, you give me life...)
Yeah, you give me life
Tell me everything I need is just to rise
Tell me everything I need is seat and cry
Yeah, you give me life
Yeah, you give me life
Ma non so gridare Hallelujah
Niente funziona come Hallelujah
Dopo le tegole ancora Hallelujah
Ti giuro adesso lo so gridare


So much to say but
Lots of question marks, that's who I am
I've learned to blame myself, you know
In my anger at 16
What does it matter to you
If I'm an ordinary guy
Used to eating poorly
I believe my desert
Is a sea
Worn out by too much salt
Too much sun or too much loneliness
That doesn't know how to shout 'Hallelujah'
Nothing works like 'Hallelujah'
After the tiles, 'Hallelujah' once again
It's been a while we haven't screamed
In my throat I have
Anger and fuel
But my eyes are out of focus1
Oh oh
There are things I want to scream
Things I want to do
Things I should say
What difference does it make to you
If I sleep at a bar
And if I drank to fill up the sea?
I believe my desert is salt
Worn out by too many cages
Too many, maybe two fears
That doesn't know how to shout 'Hallelujah'
Nothing works like 'Hallelujah'
After the tiles, 'Hallelujah' once again
It's been a while we haven't screamed
Tell me everything I need is just to rise
Tell me everything I need is seat and cry
Yeah, you give me life
(Yeah, you give me life...)
Yeah, you give me life
Tell me everything I need is just to rise
Tell me everything I need is seat and cry
Yeah, you give me life
Yeah, you give me life
But I don't know how to shout 'Hallelujah'
Nothing works like 'Hallelujah'
After the tiles, 'Hallelujah' once again
I swear to you now I know how to shout
  • 1. 'fuoco' means both 'fire' and 'focus' in Italian, so it's likely this verse includes wordplay with the previous one.
Collections with "Hallelujah"
Don JuanDon Juan
   Thu, 19/05/2022 - 23:57

[@altermetax] Ciao! Would you mind checking this translation of mine? I don't feel I did a good job with the 'consumato' lines (I thought of using 'wasted' or 'worn out', would those make sense?). Also, the 'Che non sa gridare Hallelujah' was tricky... Who should be the subject here? I'm unsure I understood correctly... Thanks in advance - PS: Tagging you because I noticed you were/are active xD

   Fri, 20/05/2022 - 00:36

Hi Juan :D

The first two lines of the song are a sequence of words trying to convey a meaning without being an actual sentence (I don't know if there's a word for that – it's a short stream of consciousness). A non-literal translation could be:
So much to say
But lots of question marks, that's who I am

Feel free to convey the “that's who I am” in a different way if it sounds a bit too unnatural to you ;)

“Nella rabbia dei 16” means “In the anger of when you're 16” or “In the anger of being 16” or “In my anger at 16”. Kind of hard to express poetically in English to be honest.

“If I'm an usual guy” → “If I'm a usual guy” (usual starts with a consonant sound: yusual)
Either way, I'd probably swap out “usual” for “ordinary” here.

I fixed the lyrics:
“Consumato troppo sale” → “Consumato da troppo sale”
So now a possible translation of those two lines is:
Consumed by too much salt
Too much sun(shine) or too lonely

The sentence is using a figure of speech that relies on the fact that “sole” and “solo” sound similar, it doesn't work in a language where they don't (it just sounds like a mistake), so you could fix it with a less literal translation that makes a bit more sense:
Consumed by too much salt
Too much sun(shine) or too much loneliness

I think “consumed” does work in English to say exhausted/overwhelmed (figuratively) and worn out (literally) at the same time.

In “Che non sa gridare Hallelujah” the word “che” refers to the “sea” in the previous stanza, so, depending on whether you want to personify it or not, you might choose “which” instead of “who”. Or maybe just choose “that” to avoid the problem altogether. “Which” and “who” also make the phrase “Who doesn't know how to shout Hallelujah” sound like a question while it's not, it's a continuation of the previous sentence.
In the next instance of that line, the “che” refers to the salt in the previous stanza.

In “Rabbia e benzina” I would rather translate “benzina” with “gasoline” or “fuel”. From a quick web search it looks like the English “benzine” is a name for petroleum ether, which is not what the Italian “benzina” means. Your translation of “Ma ho gli occhi fuori fuoco” is correct, but it could be worth it to include a note that says that “fuoco” means both “focus” and “fire” in Italian (it must be a word play referencing the fuel in the previous line).

“A te che cosa cambia” means “What difference does it make to you”

Not sure about what is meant with “Dopo le tegole” (“After the (roof) tiles”) XD

Hope I helped, feel free to ask if you have any doubts :D

Don JuanDon Juan
   Fri, 20/05/2022 - 15:24

Thanks, Mattia, for your help and edit! I did listen to the song as I translated it, but 'da' is such a small word that it passed unnoticed xD

Well, at least in Portuguese (and maybe Spanish) it's possible to keep that word play, will do it in my translation as well.

That 'Ma ho gli occhi fuori fuoco' line was also tricky... I almost translated literally, honestly.

I will check both of my translations now, grazie ancora :)