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  • Renaud

    Corona Song → English translation

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Corona Song

Such a dumb virus
Straight out of China, one day you showed up
Get your ass back there, so they can confine you
In that country, where they eat dogs
Bats and pangolins
Me behind my lousy tv
Between BFM and LCI
I'm always running into Arlette Chabot
Or the poor Roselyne Bachelot
I can't do this any longer, being stuck at home
I want to see the world, how's it going?
I want to catch a breath of fresh air
I want to go meet up with nature
Such a dumb virus
Such a dumb virus
The worst still, is that these scumbags
Have closed down all my bars
I can't drink my water as I chill out
With my buddies, it's hopeless
Not even a small restaurant
Closed down in the name of lockdown
Joining the queue with these jerks
For a miserable MacDonald's menu
The checkout assistants at Intermarché
Have had it, and I feel their pain
They're masked all day long
As for their salary, tell me about it
Such a dumb virus
Mad virus
Honestly, this noble Doctor Raoult
Painted black by jealous colleagues
By the bigwigs and hotshots
Who're not afraid to waste money
Tell you what, Douste-Blazy, sir
Don't always spew garbage
This world is full of rascals
Who see evil almost everywhere
But I don't care, I'm immune
I've got antibodies in abundance
But I've also got anti-idiots
It must be said that in France, there are loads of them
Such a dumb virus
Such a dumb virus
Fortunately, in these dangerous times
You have spared kids
You haven't laid a finger on children
The little innocent beings
Managed to stay out of school, a little
To experience some merry moments
Without cronies, without pals
Just their Nintendo consoles
Be gone already, stupid virus
Kill our American friends
Oh shit, they've got another disease
Donald Trump, and his stupidity
Such a dumb virus
Shitty virus
Such a dumb virus
Shitty virus
Such a dumb virus
Original lyrics

Corona Song

Click to see the original lyrics (French)

SkanderMSkanderM    Fri, 30/10/2020 - 21:14

Some mistakes, e.g. "Qui ont les boules de perdre du blé" means who are afraid of losing money, not who have the balls (audacity) to waste money.

   Sun, 01/11/2020 - 20:32

Inasmuch as there isn't much of a difference between having the audacity to do something and not being afraid to do it, in this context my choice was wrong. Corrected accordingly.
I'm pretty sure "avoir les boules" means "have the balls", too.

silencedsilenced    Fri, 30/10/2020 - 21:34

Poor old Renaud...

confinement -> that's the French name for lockdown

comment y va -> (I want to see) how the world is doing

brave docteur -> good

Connard de virus -> "connard" is much more vulgar. "dumbfuck" or something

un peu partout -> here and there / left and right

Qui ont les boules -> "avoir les boules" is to be pissed off

J'vous dis c'monsieur Douste-Blazy -> I tell you, this Mr Douste-Blazy don't always spew garbage

Moi j'm'en fous, j'suis immunisé -> skipped that line

Crevard de virus -> "crevard" has a somewhat fuzzy meaning. From its initial meaning to the current use:
stillborn/about to die -> famished -> beggar -> profiteer/leech -> wretch/worthless/pathetic

Z'ont pu sécher l'école, un peu -> they managed to skip school a bit

   Sun, 01/11/2020 - 20:39

Appreciate the corrections and nuances. You've got something to say when I translate literally, and something to say if I translate figuratively.

brave docteur - noble doctor is not so far-fetched from good doctor. Noble being my choice because the actions of the man are noble.

z'ont pu secher l'ecole - Really appreciate the nuance "managed" since it alludes to the fact that the kids have always wanted to skip school once in a while.

avoir les boules - try translating that line with "to be pissed off" and see for yourself that it makes no sense.

silencedsilenced    Sun, 01/11/2020 - 20:37

I'm not here to annoy people, these are just suggestions.

"avoir les boules" can mean both but the first meaning that comes to my mind is "pissed off". I read this line as "who are pissed off when they lose money". I suppose "who are afraid they might lose money" would work too, but I'd expect "qui flippent de perdre du blé" or something like that.

   Sun, 01/11/2020 - 20:43

I realize that your aim is not to annoy people. That's why I accept the majority of your corrections in good faith.

silencedsilenced    Sun, 01/11/2020 - 21:21

Renaud uses slang from the 80's, it's a bit dated. I personally never use "avoir les boules" for "being afraid". I've heard "flipper" much more often, but other natives might have a different opinion.

pnielsenpnielsen    Thu, 05/08/2021 - 20:53

"Et bah ils ont une autre maladie" => "Oh well, they've got another disease" (or literally "And, uh, they've got another disease")/ No shit involved there ;)

Why make it hard to understand by using "cronies" when "friends" is the direct translation copains? (I did not understand the word "crony" and it certainly is not commonly used in the US).

   Sat, 14/08/2021 - 19:40

Thanks man, but you know that I'd know what "oh bah" literally means.

As for cronies, let's just say you learnt a new word. It isn't only Americans who are on here.
(In any case, dictionaries are for looking up new words; no shit)

pnielsenpnielsen    Sun, 15/08/2021 - 13:02

I'm actually from Finland with Swedish and Finnish as mother tongue and I learned British English in school... Most people born in Britain may know the word, but as for the rest of the world, no...