Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stand With Ukraine!
  • Olivia Ruiz

    De toi à moi → English translation

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From you to me

Between your modesty and me
stand four wooden buttons
concealing your body.
As your silken shirt
slides down to your heels
Two very straight tiny circles
wonder why they are so cold now
You stand naked before me
like a girl would be
and modesty suits you
when I undress you.
You're beautiful, standing before me
as your lips glisten with
a bit of your emotion
that your tongue scatters.
Curled up, stroking
the outline of your body
my fingers busy themselves
retracing its circumference
brushing the limits
of a shell roused by a soul
Your lovely heart gets restless
inside this panting body.
You are this beautiful picture
I'm drawing endlessly,
following carefully the grain,
the bumps and the hollows.
At last I put my mouth
to the small bowl.
My nostrils flatten themselves
against the shapes under your arm
Between your modesty and me
stand four wooden buttons
concealing your body.
As your silken shirt
slides down to your heels
Two very straight tiny circles
wonder why they are so cold
I give my thanks to those people
who brought you to this world
and offered me this moment
when I see you naked there
when I own you naked there
right against me, right now,
for my most beautiful desire,
this body that is burning now,
and you stop,
and I stop moving too.
Your face in profile
and the taut long neck.
My lips on your lashes
and yours, gaping,
and I stand still
and you stand still
If your modesty gets cold,
four little buttons,
four wooden buttons
will close it all up.
A silken shirt
covering your body.
Two tiny straignt buttons
will hush your secret games.
Original lyrics

De toi à moi

Click to see the original lyrics (French)

Olivia Ruiz: Top 3