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  • Helium Vola

    Fama Tuba → English translation

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As Fame Sounds The Trumpet

As Fame sounds the trumpet
The Voice of the heralds
Proclaims to the people land
That a good man is arriving
But I carry my head down, as though I were a thief
A culprit without defense
Without the ability to reason
And lacking speech
As a fugitive
Only half alive in the whale
I your adopted son
have cried a river of tears
I shall not reveal the name
Or the identity of the poet
But he whose flight made him comparable to Jonas
As fitting allegorical figure
I shall name him Jonah
I have willingly enjoyed pleasure
Like a brute
I was not holy with you, oh holy one
Because I feared your anger
Original lyrics

Fama Tuba

Click to see the original lyrics (Latin)

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