[SOLVED] Help with transcription (Ukrainian)

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<a href="/en/translator/torpedo23" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1207103">Torpedo23 <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Joined: 10.05.2014
Pending moderation

Hello all,

A couple of days ago, I submitted a transcription request.
I thought it was all in Russian, but as it turns out, part of it is actually in Ukrainian (special thanks to @Sergei Kolesov for fulfilling part of this request by adding the Russian part, and for letting me know about the Ukrainian part)
So I am now looking for anyone comfortable with transcription and with Ukrainian to provide the missing part in Ukrainian so that it can be added to the rest of the Russian lyrics that have already been published.
Here is the link to the page, with the video and Russian transcription:

If you want to fulfill this transcription, please provide the missing lyrics in the comments' section of the linked page above, or contact @Sergei Kolesov directly so that they can add them (or, if you are an editor/mod, add them directly to the published page).

Thanks in advance,
- Torp