Heidrun Blase - Der schlaue und dienstfertige Pudel lyrics request

  • Artist: Heidrun Blase
  • Song: Der schlaue und dienstfertige Pudel
  • Language: German

Lo stesso brano, cantato da Elly Ameling, è in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhGGgR-4u6U

Lo stesso brano, cantato da Elly Ameling, è in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhGGgR-4u6U

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This transcription has been generated by a machine-learning model and it may contain errors or inaccuracies. Please ensure to thoroughly review and verify the contents before submitting.
These lyrics are too short to be published
BellerophonBellerophon    Thu, 26/05/2022 - 22:30

The only part I understand is the spoken one; if you like, I can transcribe it, but I can't grasp the lyrics of the song.

BellerophonBellerophon    Fri, 27/05/2022 - 23:37

Gern, so you want me to transcribe the spoken part?

Pietro LignolaPietro Lignola
   Sat, 28/05/2022 - 09:21

Oh, no. It is useless withouth all the songs. So, I thank you.